Being Thankful

Being Thankful

Even if you do not believe in a Higher Power, you can still be grateful for the things that you have.  And even if you don’t have much you can still be grateful. Being grateful is the feeling or expressing thanks. One great way of expressing thanks is in prayer. After you pray for something, and get the thing you asked for, don’t forget to go back and thank who was responsible for making it possible.  Be thankful for the people that are in your life, the wonderment of birth. Be thankful of the ability of trees and plants to reproduce. Even the insects, even though they are a pest, have a reason of being here.

Another great way of expressing your thankfulness is to maintain a Grateful Journal and write one thing a day that you are grateful for.  This is a good thing to start the kids doing at an early age, so that the grateful attitude is instilled in them early. Last Sunday when I was teaching my Sunday School Class

Of 8-10 year olds, I gave them a small notebook and asked them to start a Grateful Journal, they were really excited about this.

During Thanksgiving Dinner would be a great time to go around the table and ask everyone to think of one thing that they are thankful for.  This is a great tradition and gets the best attitude going for a wonderful day. Its also good to do at Christmas and Easter Dinner. If you start with a grateful attitude there should be less of a chance of fighting at the table.

From our house to yours, have a Happy and Thankful Thanksgiving Day.

*** What are some of the things YOU are thankful for?

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