By Brad Harrington

 Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the Tea Party Rally! I’d like to personally thank M. Lee Hasenauer for asking me to share 10 minutes of time with you today.

 Knowing that I’ve spent a large amount of time researching such topics as the United Nations, Agenda 21, local UDC codes and the manner in which they reflect such international schemes for slavery, M. had asked me to speak on those issues today.

 As I began composing my speech this morning, however, I realized that I would be doing my listeners a great disservice if I did so!

Now, when I say that, it’s not that I don’t believe that those issues carry a tremendous impact and don’t merit serious and reasoned discussion – because they do.

It’s just that they do not lie at the root of what is happening around us today – and I strongly believe that if that root itself is not thoroughly explained and understood then none of the rest of our opposition will have any true meaning or lasting effect.

As a sidebar, however, on the matter of international treaties and the manner in which they are permitted, constitutionally, to bypass the Bill of Rights, I will  refer you to the well-reasoned arguments presented by Kenneth W. Royce in his book, “Hologram of Liberty: The Constitution’s Shocking Alliance with Big Government,” published by Javelin Press, with an emphasis on Chapter 5 entitled “Concerns Then… Nightmares Today.”

No, today, I’d rather speak on a topic with far more import that has profound implications for everything we think, say and do – because, as I told my wife Barbie this morning, “I’ve got 10 minutes to reach people’s hearts and minds, and talking about Senate treaties is not the way to achieve that goal.” That topic is: Power.

end of part one.

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