How to train toddlers in preparedness

How to train toddlers in preparedness

As I sit here cutting out memory games for church, I got to thinking that this is a good way to teach toddlers just about anything that you have pictures for. For example you could teach herbs, animals, fish, tools, prep supplies, cooking tools, etc.

All you need is a picture of an item and of course make 2 of them so the toddlers can match them, and write the name of the picture on it so that they get use to how the name looks and then when they match the items say what it is a few times. After that, they will tell YOU what it is. I would keep the cards to certain categories, like all animals or all herbs, etc. You could even put a front and back of the same item (for example an animal so the child would know it from either direction) on different squares for older toddlers or children to match. You could put a picture of an animal and its tracks/or poop [aka scat] for the older toddlers and children to match – this would work for adults who don’t know the information too.

Take card stock and draw 3” X 2” squares and draw or cut out printed pictures and place within the 3” X 2” space. After you make copies and cut the squares out you can either use as is or if you want to use for a long period of time like through multiple children, then take clear shelf paper and laminate them on both sides.

You can also do step training by using the same type cards. Use the same 3”X 2” cards and draw or cut out anywhere from 2-5 steps and what the process would look like in each step. These could be how to turn the water main off, what to do if you smell smoke in the house or how to change the batteries in your flashlight. As your toddler gets older you could add more steps like how build a fire or how to put up a tent. You only have to have 1 copy of each using this game.

So instead of matching just 2 cards you would have to match in order 3 or more. Cut the squares out and either use as is or laminate them for longer use.

You may want to consider putting a laminated copy of the whole procedure into your emergency binder and near the equipment too so that others will know what to do if you are not available.

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