NO room

Don’t tell me that you don’t have enough room to store food and water.

This is the most used excuse that I have heard over the years. The come back to that excuse is that if something is important to you, like being able to feed your children, then you will find a way to accomplish that task.

One of the first times we taught preparedness I thought if I heard this excuse one more time I would pull my hair out. At that time of our lives we lived in a 2 bedroom trailer with 2 pre-teens and we had a year and a half worth of food inside the trailer with us. Now, our home was not out of Better Homes and Gardens but we could take care of ourselves and others. We had homemade storage shelves that we could take apart and move easily and our bed was built up on a platform and we had storage underneath. We used the closets and stored food and water in there on the floor and put shoes on top of the boxes. The kids had bunk beds with their desk underneath. We put boxes against the walls and then their stuff went on top of the boxes.

We partitioned off part of the living room and made another bedroom for the other child. And his room also had a bunk bed with the desk underneath and storage boxes along the walls with his things on top of the boxes. With our bed built up we could put the roll a way rubber-made garbage cans underneath to be able to get them out easier. We stored our camping supplies in these. And we had homemade storage shelves along our walls. We built all of the shelving and the beds with bolts so we could take them apart and move them easily.

At this time we taught a class on how to make furniture out of storage boxes and how to disguise them to look and function as furniture. We took 3 boxes and placed a board on top of them and then placed a table cloth and had an end table. And if you make them 4 high and 2 wide with a little larger board on top and then a table cloth you have a kitchen table. We put 4 high boxes against the wall and then 3 high against that and and board over the 3 stack and a board against the 4 high. Then we made cushions to sit on and to put against the 4 high and we had and covered the boxes with cloth and we had a couch. We put 3 high boxes with a board over them and had a coffee table. We even made an entertainment center to put the TV on, and then covered the whole thing with sheets to make it look nicer. Of course it is easier if all of the storage boxes are the same size. Ours had #10 cans of dried food so they were sturdy enough to sit on. When we moved, everything was easy to take apart and set back up at the next place. No large pieces of furniture to move.

This will solve 2 problems: one if you don’t have much furniture you can build it, two takes care of how to store your food and with a bonus of it is easier to move than a traditional home move. The smaller cans and the water were put on the shelves that we made. So, now you will have a come back when someone tells you that they don’t have enough room to store food and water.

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