Category Archives: DEFENSE

Security – surveillance systems, perimeter systems, locks and alarms. [Fire, smoke, CO, gas] weapons could also go under hunting in the FOOD section

The Dick Act

This is an interesting read. I shared this with a few friends and the general conversation with one of them went something like this….

C – So why is this not being used.. 
R – my understanding [ from my years in military ] because WE the People are not holding their feet to the fire. 
C – Well we need to publish this in papers. Pool money and do Sign boards..

*** Well folks, what say you? I think that it would settle a lot of argument and make us safer if we went back to the original intent. ***

The Dick
Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June
28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia
into three distinct and separate entities.
The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth
known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the
unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every
able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia
have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms
of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

The Dick Act of 1902 
cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited
purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to
suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which
the General Government can call upon the National Guard.

Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, “the Organized
Militia (the National Guard) can not be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits
of the United States.”

The Honorable William Gordon, in a speech to the House on Thursday, October 4, 1917,
proved that the action of President Wilson in ordering the Organized Militia
(the National Guard) to fight a war in Europe was so blatantly unconstitutional that he felt 
Wilson ought to have been impeached. During the war with England an attempt was made by Congress to pass a bill
authorizing the president to draft 100,000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 to invade enemy territory, Canada.
The bill was defeated in the House by Daniel Webster on the precise point that Congress had no such power over the militia as to authorize it to empower the President to draft them into the regular army and send them out of 
the country.

The fact is that the President has no constitutional right, under any circumstances, to draft men from the militia to fight outside the borders of the USA, and not even beyond the borders of their respective states. Today, we have a constitutional LAW which still stands in waiting for the legislators to obey the Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold.

Charles Hughes of the American Bar Association (ABA) made a speech which is contained in the Appendix 
to Congressional Record, House, September 10, 1917, pages 6836-6840 which states: “The militia, within the meaning of these provisions of the Constitution is distinct from the Army of the United States.” In these pages we also find a statement made by Daniel Webster, “that the great principle of the Constitution on that subject is that the militia is the militia of the States and of the General Government; and thus being the militia of the
States, there is no part of the Constitution worded with greater care and with more scrupulous jealousy 
than that which grants and limits the power of Congress over it.”
“This limitation upon the power to raise and support armies clearly establishes the intent and purpose of 
the framers of the Constitution to limit the power to raise and maintain a standing army to voluntary enlistment, because if the unlimited power to draft and conscript was intended to be conferred, it would have been a useless and puerile thing to limit the use of money for that purpose.

Conscripted armies can be paid, but they are not required to be, and if it had been intended to confer 
the extraordinary power to draft the bodies of citizens and send them out of the country in direct conflict with the limitation upon the use of the militia imposed by the same section and article, certainly some restriction or 
limitation would have been imposed to restrain the unlimited use of such power.”
The Honorable William Gordon Congressional Record, House, Page 640 – 1917 is where I got this story from.

Active Shooters 1

Given the NEW normal that we have in these US of A in relationship to terrorism and stupid people in general being violent I would think that those who can legally carry weapons should do so [see 2A of the US constitution]. Keep in mind that by definition the bad guy intent on killing or maiming you is going to be armed regardless, so you, the good guy, had better be armed too.

In my town an average response time is several minutes on a good day. On a NOT so good day [for example multiple incidents happening at the same time] it could take them awhile to get to you to help. Most of the police and the fire department here are great folks who try hard to take care of our town, but there is a limit to the resources available.

YOU are the first responder to any trouble situation you and your family are involved in. YOU are responsible for your family’s safety and security. Just like you learn and prepare to do CPR and 1st aid, use a fire extinguisher – YOU should be able to provide your own security until the police arrive.

What are your thoughts?


Attached is an article that sounded good to me on police response to this situation. I can not improve on this by paraphrasing so the original is given here with proper credit to that author.

A Little Less Talk…A Lot More ACTION

Tim Schmidt
Have you heard the Hank Williams, Jr. song “A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action?”

That’s exactly the phrase that came to mind after I caught the opening segment of 60 Minutes a couple Sundays ago.

The segment focused on police response to active shooter cases, “situations where gunmen are intent on killing as many people as possible…and often, are still shooting when the police arrive on the scene.”

It included commentary from NYC Police Commissioner Bill Bratten, who said that the threat of multiple shooters in multiple locations has become a real concern for his officers.

In response to incidents like Mumbai in 2008 and Paris (which occurred a little over a week before the segment aired), Bratten said the NYPD is retraining all 35,000 of its officers in the city to reduce response time and train for the emerging trend of multiple, violent events.

He noted that active shooters and terrorists are not interested in negotiating. And that means that both police response and individual response are more important than ever.

In fact, over the last week especially, more and more law enforcement officials all across the country are urging responsible citizens to start carrying guns to defend themselves.

As wonderful as that is, it’s not what particularly interested me about the 60 Minutes episode.

If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you’ve likely heard that Washington, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier was also featured in the segment.

Lanier opened by saying that police operations in her city have taken on a “new urgency” and that she believes a person intent on committing an act of violence will find a way to carry out that act. The best we can do, then, according to Lanier, is to try to intervene and minimize the damage.

She went on to give what she called “counterintuitive” advice. Rather than calling the police and waiting for their response, Lanier said you can “run, hide, or fight.”

“If you educate people on actions they can take to reduce their risk…then you can save some lives. I think it’s irresponsible for us not to do that,” she said.

She also warned against fear: “It works against you.” So, too, does becoming “numb” to such events: “Ignoring it and not preparing yourself…that’s not an option anymore.”

Yes, I’m talking about the same Lanier who has in the past made it nearly impossible for the law-abiding citizens of Washington to obtain legal permits to carry concealed firearms.

And so I wonder…is Lanier a concealed carry “convert”…or just another hypocrite?

I think her history speaks for itself. Remember, this is the woman who issued just 48 permits in Washington D.C. You heard that right: just 48 permits.

Time will tell, I suppose, but I’ve learned to trust people’s actions more than their words.

When she starts allowing more than just a handful of people to carry handguns, perhaps I’ll reconsider calling her out for hypocrisy. But until then, Ms. Lanier—and any other anti-gunners who suddenly jump ship and (seemingly) come out in support of our cause—a little less talk, please, and a lot more action.

Of course, people like you and me will continue to take action. Because the truth is, in the current landscape, leaving our own safety up to chance is just too risky.

Take Care and Stay Safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher – Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder
### end of attached article.

Afghan trainees missing

Air Force: 2 Afghan trainees missing from Georgia air base 2015-12-09

the basic story is that they have been stationed at this US base most of this year. they were vetted and assigned there last year. they reportedly do not pose a threat to the US.

there are 3 ways to look at this story and I am not sure which is the most likely.

1. they went somewhere over the weekend and were involved in an accident. this would be sad.

2. they went somewhere and somebody did something TO them. this would be bad and hard to explain to their family. doing something to them just because they are Afghany is wrong. lumping all of them [middle easterners] together is narrow minded and lowers us all.

3. they are off doing a mission against US that was not what we let them into our country to do. IF this is the case, then they should be hunted down and dealt with. IF this is the case we really need to review how and why we let others into or stay in our country.

4. other…. Yes I know that makes 4 and I only started out saying 3 ;]

regardless of what happened with or to them, we need to find them.

Yesterday Dec 7th

Go to to hear this speech.

“A Date Which Will Live in Infamy”: FDR Asks for a Declaration of War

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, stunned virtually everyone in the United States military. Japan’s carrier-launched bombers found Pearl Harbor totally unprepared. President Franklin Roosevelt quickly addressed Congress to ask for a declaration of war as illustrated in this audio excerpt. Although he never mentioned Europe or the fact that Germany had not yet declared war on the United States, the Pearl Harbor attack allowed him to begin the larger intervention in the European war he had long wanted.
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our secretary of state a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday the Japanese government also launched as attack against Malaya.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Wake Island.

And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.

As commander in chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. . .

Source: Courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York.

See Also:The “Man in the Street” Reacts to Pearl Harbor
“This Is No Joke: This Is War”: A Live Radio Broadcast of the Attack on Pearl Harbor

magnesium fire starter

Safety issues in using the magnesium fire starter that we carry. Actually this started out as the package insert of the fire starter and then we decided to do a post on it.

Fire starter www.PrepareSurviveThrive.US

Gather tinder in a pile next to where you intend to start your fire. Use the driest material available. You should have 5 times more tinder and kindling ready than you think you will need. Unless you have extra hands available and foraging for fire wood – gather 5 times more of that than you think you will need for the night. Lay your fire.
Pare a small pile of magnesium shavings – at least enough to cover a quarter. Use a sharp knife or other metal tool held at 90 degrees to the magnesium block. The magnesium shavings will burn extremely hot [over 3,000 degrees] and fast.
When ready strike the Ferro rod [flint] aiming the sparks toward the magnesium shavings.

To prevent serious injury and property damage: keep away from children, wear ANSI-approved safety goggles and heavy-duty work gloves during use, use as intended only, inspect before every use. Magnesium in solid form is safe do not pare shavings until ready to use. Clear ground of flammable material 5 feet around fire site. Do not leave fire unattended and be prepared to extinguish fire completely. Gather more fire wood than you think that you will need before you start the fire.

If there is more than just you in your party you can assign someone to gather more wood while you tend to camp chores such as starting the fire, setting up camp and cooking. When someone is back in camp who can tend the fire you can go out and get other things that you need done such as gather water for cleaning or [gasp, is he really going to talk about this part?] go to the toilet.

Keep in mind that fire is a dangerous servant who will destroy you if you drop your guard.

Practical application FRS/GMRS radios

Practical application FRS/GMRS radios

Many people plan on making use of the FRS/GMRS radios during an emergency situation. As long as you keep in mind the actual capabilities of the product and that the advertised capabilities are misleading at best, the FRS/GMRS radios do have a place. Albeit very limited use. If you need to talk just a few blocks and there are a lot of people in your area making use of the radios, stock FRS/GMRS work fine without walking all over most other people.

These radios have a cruddy, stubby fixed in place antenna. The up side is that you don’t have to fiddle with it, the down side is that you cannot put a better antenna on, nor can the existing antenna be tuned. The other issue is that the stock FRS/GMRS radios are limited to 0.5 watts….. that is one half of a watt.

Your local music / news radio station broadcasts around 50,000 watts. The antenna is very tall and really good. Point being that if their signal only goes 100 – 150 miles normally, how far do you really expect the stock FRS/GMRS signal to travel? In most cases in the real world it will not be the 20-38 miles they claim.

Finely getting to the point of this post ;]

In situations where regular communications are down and you have a group who you want to keep updated on local information in a SNAP [situation not as planned] time. You can use the Baofeng type of radios to A. monitor the FRS/GMRS chatter and B. with a GMRS license you are allowed to transmit at up to 50 watts of power. So during an emergency you can update your team on vital information. Just like your local music / news station.

If you have a large area of town to cover and several people to communicate with it would be helpful to have more than one communications hub to be able to hit everyone. This is a good idea in general as you should not have all your eggs in the one basket. One possible configuration would be the main hub in the center of your area of operation. Then another one at the four corners of the area. Set up properly the main hub would hit your whole area. If the main hub is down for whatever reason traffic can be handled by the other hubs. You may have to have each of the sub-hubs to broadcast the same info to be able to overlap to cover your whole AO.

Product review Baofeng radio

Product review
BAOFENG UV-5RE Dual Band Amateur Radio
Frequency Range: 136-174 / 400-480MHz. Dual-Band Display, Dual Freq. Display, Dual-Standby
• Output Power: 4 /1Watts.
• FM Radio 65.0MHz-108.0MHz

This is a handy little radio. It is convenient to carry in a shirt pocket or on your belt. The stock antenna is good enough for most applications, however there is a better one available for longer range use and you can of course connect the radio to an external antenna for vehicle or base use. It only took a few minutes to get the radio up and running straight from the box. After the initial test I did go ahead and charge it overnight. The standby time was great, almost 36 hours. There is a nice feature with on this handy radio that allows you to listen to FM broadcast content just like your vehicle radio and monitor the selected operational frequency too. You can walk around listening to the local music station and when someone calls you it will interrupt the music automatically. Same thing when you transmit. Besides the enjoyment factor this provides it also ensures that the volume does not get turned down inadvertently. Another feature that comes in very useful is that it can be set to scan all the frequencies on whichever band it is set to.

In casual use the radio sounds good and during one test we were impressed with the range. One radio with the stock antenna was inside of the office, the other radio also with a stock antenna was inside of a vehicle parked 3 miles away. On low power [one watt] the transmissions were clear and strong. Of course this was not clear line of sight as there were buildings and trees between us. This was between 2 Baofeng radios. We tested a set of stock FRS/GMRS radios and did get decent communications for up to 0.25 [1/4] miles [not the advertised 20 to 38 miles]. When put to a similar test with 1 Baofeng radio and a stock FRS/GRMS radio we got about one mile of spotty communication. [the problem was the cruddy antenna on the FRS/GRMS radio]

Overall the BAOFENG radio is a great buy and well worth the money. I would buy it over any brand of the FRS/GMRS walkie talkies any day and for not much more money. During an emergency the Baofeng is a great radio to have.
You are of course responsible for checking your local laws before transmitting. There are NO restrictions to listening to any frequency that you can hear.

To find out more information and to order a set go to

Update 2016 – 09- 20

Update on the range performance of this radio. I made direct contact with a station that was between 250 miles and 700 miles away from me. I was transmitting on 4 watts [high] power and we could hear each other well with a bit of static at the extreme ranges. How is this possible from a hand held radio in the 2 meter band you ask?…. ;] The international space station is about 250 miles straight up with line of sight out to around 700 miles and your window of opportunity is only about 15 minutes to talk, along with a bazillion others trying to talk with them too.

Earning a living AMMO

Earning a living AMMO

Manufacture and reloading ammunition, you can do either ‘standard’ loads or the loads can be very customized. There are big factory operations to smaller “Mom & Pop” concerns. Both type of set ups can turn out high quality products.
Today we will focus on the smaller Mom and Pop type groups. This last weekend I had a chance to deal with 2 such organizations. I was pleasantly impressed with both of them.

1. John and Cindy Taylor of are based in Wyoming. I have shot some of their ammo and it was a pleasure to do so. John is Retired USMC . The prices were very acceptable. I am comfortable in recommending them.

2. Bob and Laura Stahl of are based in Colorado. I have not fired any of their products yet. I did have them work up a price for an old rifle / revolver combination that a friend has. The cartridge is out of production as far as I can tell. The price quote per box of 50 down sized rounds from another caliber with soft lead cast bullets was great. They would not be on this list unless I can recommend them.

Some of the advantages that I can see for making a living doing what they do include
A. Flexible hours so they can attend shows, kids / grandkids activities or doctor’s appointments.
B. Can’t sleep at night? Not a real issue, get up and work, then sleep in the next day if you need to.
C. Ready for a vacation? Make the arrangements and go. Combine that with going to shows.
D. There is ALWAYS a demand for ammo, until it gets banned and then there will be even more demand for it.
E. Attractive tax benefits to having a business == discuss this with your accountant.

You don’t have an accountant? We can highly recommend McGee Hearne & Paiz LLP 307-634-2151 or 307-637-2617 are their Cheyenne Wyoming phone numbers according to the June 2014 phone book. Even if you don’t live in nor near Cheyenne they have contacts all over and can refer you to a good accountant.

For the hobbyist reloader check out any of the books put out by the NRA or take a class on reloading. I am sure that either of the 2 listed above can direct you to the books they use.

As with any business venture you should consult your management team [lawyer, accountant and insurance agent] for their advice on the actual nuts and bolts of things. We are only sparking discussion.

Please comment in the comment section so that everyone can learn. To start a new topic you could use the contact us form on our main page at www.PrepareSurviveThrive.US or send an e-mail to Office@PrepareSurviveThrive.US

School Safety Through Firepower

reposted with Brad’s permission — Rich

School Safety Through Firepower

By Bradley Harrington

Published in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle on February 13, 2015.

“Any politician who won’t trust you with the weapon of your choice clearly cannot be trusted with the power he desires over your life.” – Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith, “Hope,” 2009 –

Most citizens would agree that a person’s right to life doesn’t mean much without the corollary right to self-defense that must accompany it as well.

Some local school officials and parents, however, don’t seem to have much use for either, judging from the nonsense they’re spewing regarding Wyoming House Bill 114 (which would abolish nearly all of Wyoming’s current “gun-free zones,” including in the public schools).

Regarding this bill, already passed in the House and now before the Senate, LCSD1 Superintendent John Lyttle said:

“’This needs to be balanced with safety of students and staff’… One of the first priorities for the district is to provide students with a safe environment, he said.” (“Officials: Guns not welcome in school,” WTE, Feb. 10.)

Hmmm… Let’s consider some historical facts of reality – for, unfortunately enough, the inability for a good guy to quickly gain access to a firearm didn’t do much to help the 20 kids and six staff members brutally murdered in 2012 by a disgruntled, gun-firing nutcase at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Nor did that inability save the lives of the 32 people shot dead by another disgruntled, gun-firing nutcase at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute back in 2007.

[Sidebar: Sadly enough in regard to this last massacre, Mr. Lyttle’s brain-brother, Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker, praised the Virginia State Legislature’s scuttling of a bill just a year earlier that would have eliminated their “gun-free” zones: “I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus,” he said. (“Gun bill gets shot down by panel,” Roanoke Times, Jan. 30, 2006.)]

So, Mr. Lyttle: just how, exactly, do you intend on providing a “safe” environment? By going after the next disgruntled, gun-firing nutcase who might decide to show up on one of your campuses with a pair of scissors?

Just to prove that Mr. Lyttle is not the only well-meaning fool promoting his topsy-turvy concept of “safety,” however, we can also add some parents to that mix as well:

“He [Lyttle] added that some parents already have said they will move their students to schools in Colorado if the bill is approved.”

Now there’s a great idea. Down to Columbine High School, possibly, where yet another pair of disgruntled, gun-firing nutcases slaughtered 12 students and a teacher back in 1999?

Here’s a couple of questions for both Mr. Lyttle and those parents: how “safe” do you think those Columbine students, ensconced in their “gun-free zone,” felt 30 seconds before the bullets started to fly, as compared to three minutes later?

In answer to those who claim that granting teachers, staff and other adults their right to pack weapons won’t help stop these atrocities, history says you’re wrong – for that’s exactly what happened at both Virginia’s Appalachian School of Law in 2002 and Mississippi’s Pearl High School in 1997.

But, in both of those instances, it bears mentioning, the individuals who finally subdued the shooters had to first run to their vehicles to retrieve their weapons before they could act.

So, regarding those two shootings, here’s a third question, the same question I asked of the University of Wyoming’s Faculty Senate a few months back, regarding their desire to maintain a “gun-free zone” on campus:

“What would have happened in those ‘gun-free zones’ if students and/or faculty had already been armed at the time the shootings began?” (“Call it a ‘shoot-me zone,’” WTE, Oct. 10, 2014.)

So, since true safety is obviously not a concern for Mr. Lyttle, what’s he really worried about if HB 114 passes? “Some federal money is tied to the fact that a school is a gun-free zone, and there hasn’t been any guidance given on how to manage that, he said.”

And there you have it. God forbid that Mr. Lyttle might lose his “free” federal dollars, and just what is he supposed to do when his federal masters fail to provide him with the proper “guidance”?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what passes for “administration” at LCSD1. What a tragedy, both now and in the making. The LCSD1 Board should seriously consider relieving this man of his duties and find someone who truly cares about the health and welfare of the students in his charge.

As for the Wyoming Legislature: kudos to the House members who voted for passing HB 114, and may their colleagues in the Senate have the foresight, fortitude and respect for an individual’s right to defend their lives to pass it there as well.

Bradley Harrington is a computer technician and a writer who lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming; he can be reached at


Rally points

Rally points
Where ever you stay for any length of time you should set up ‘rally points’ in case you get separated, if something like a fire happens in your lodging or other emergency.

Do this the same as you have set up at home for emergency evacuations. For example if we have a fire here at home we will sound the alarm, if possible use the fire extinguishers and if we leave our first rally point is the front yard near our vehicle, AND then call the fire department. Our secondary rally point is in sight of the first one and is across the street at Mr Jones’ house and have him call the authorities.

If something happens during the day our family knows to rendezvous at home unless the involved area is near home. If that is the case we all meet at our office. The next rally point is at church. After that if we have to leave the town our next rally point would be in the town about 50 miles from our town.

An example of the rally point plan while traveling follows.

Current lodging location ________
Which is where we will meet if we get separated while out.

If something happens while we are at the lodging we will meet at the front desk OR outside at our vehicle. If the area is too dangerous near the lodging we will meet at _____________________
[example – McDonald’s across the street. ]

If we are separated from our group we will call our normal ‘out of area’ contact person as we would if there were a disaster at home.

You do have an emergency plan for home, don’t you?