Monthly Archives: December 2020

Count down to Christmas 2020

Count down to Christmas 2020


4 days to Christmas!


Last minute stocking stuffers…


A high carbon wood rasp that has 4 patterns on it… at Walmart they are about 6-7 dollars… this will be used as a wood shaper AND with a sharp quartz rock to start fires with char cloth.


There are several package deals of knives, other tools ect .. on sale right now [or you can take your chances and get something for half price typically after Christmas.


Sawyer water filters would be a great idea. They have the advantage of being able to directly connect with 2 L coke bottles.


Another idea is food storage items OR camp cooking items..


How about knowledge?? Ready? Or Not, Things WILL Happen = Quick start survival guide
// series


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Electoral College

Well the Electoral College is voting today… it CAN go either way, but will most likely go toward Harris/Biden.   Once again half the country will be happy and the other half will be pissed….   Is it OVER so we can move on with our lives after today?


Nope!!   The next step is Congress has to vote [on Jan 6th] on whether or not to accept this determination…  If they vote NO, then it moves on to the next step which is the House picks the President and the Senate picks the Vice President….  Who will be sworn in on Jan 20th….


While we wait…regardless of which ‘side’ you are on… continue to improve your situation.  Organize your home. Learn things. Get to know those who live near you.


Work on your Journal….


Last minute Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers….     Sawyer water filter, fir starting kit, books on prepping like

Ready? Or Not, Things WILL Happen = Quick start survival guide
// series

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How to train toddlers in preparedness

How to train toddlers in preparedness

As I sit here cutting out memory games for church, I got to thinking that this is a good way to teach toddlers just about anything that you have pictures for. For example you could teach herbs, animals, fish, tools, prep supplies, cooking tools, etc.

All you need is a picture of an item and of course make 2 of them so the toddlers can match them, and write the name of the picture on it so that they get use to how the name looks and then when they match the items say what it is a few times. After that, they will tell YOU what it is. I would keep the cards to certain categories, like all animals or all herbs, etc. You could even put a front and back of the same item (for example an animal so the child would know it from either direction) on different squares for older toddlers or children to match. You could put a picture of an animal and its tracks/or poop [aka scat] for the older toddlers and children to match – this would work for adults who don’t know the information too.

Take card stock and draw 3” X 2” squares and draw or cut out printed pictures and place within the 3” X 2” space. After you make copies and cut the squares out you can either use as is or if you want to use for a long period of time like through multiple children, then take clear shelf paper and laminate them on both sides.

You can also do step training by using the same type cards. Use the same 3”X 2” cards and draw or cut out anywhere from 2-5 steps and what the process would look like in each step. These could be how to turn the water main off, what to do if you smell smoke in the house or how to change the batteries in your flashlight. As your toddler gets older you could add more steps like how build a fire or how to put up a tent. You only have to have 1 copy of each using this game.

So instead of matching just 2 cards you would have to match in order 3 or more. Cut the squares out and either use as is or laminate them for longer use.

You may want to consider putting a laminated copy of the whole procedure into your emergency binder and near the equipment too so that others will know what to do if you are not available.

Please share our website with your friends www.PrepareSurviveThrive.US  

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Pearl Harbor Day 2020

Pearl Harbor Day 2020

December 7th 1941 a date which will live in infamy.

The attack on pearl harbor and the US of A was 79 years ago.

The Japanese launched a surprise attack which brought US into the ongoing war as an active participant. There was a lot of people going without as resources were diverted to the war effort. There was forced rationing of resources which included fuel, tires and even food.

Lessons learned

Even IF you are not interested in politics [Poly Tics = many blood sucking pests] you need to pay attention to what is going on in your area, town, county, state, nation and world as things can and often do bleed over to effect YOU and your family.

As much as you may WANT peace and safety for you and yours and how hard you work for peace, you must be ready to protect yourself [ourselves] with force should others want less than peaceful interactions with you.

During times of plenty you should at least consider building up YOUR reserves of things and knowledge which you need on an ongoing basis. Food and water, capital -money AND human, learning and experience to understand and do for yourself [family, friends and neighbors] TOOLS of your trade and building stuff.

Be ever engaged in improving your situation.

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