Monthly Archives: January 2016

ARCHER Complex

Join us at the ARCHER Complex Cheyenne WY this [today] Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday. It should be a lot of fun. We will have books by local authors. Most likely there will be long term storage foods with the Farmer’s Daughter along with custom jellies by Dona. There may even be contemporary authentic Indian artifacts.

Dakin’s Solution

How to Make and Use Dakin’s Solution

Have you ever heard of Dakin’s Solution? In the medical field it is a common item for wound care. Dakin’s Solution, of course is the manufactured name from the person who invented it. Henry Drysdale Dakin was an English chemist who worked with amino acids and water analysis. He invented Dakin’s Solution when he was working at a temporary hospital in Compiegne, France in 1916 and invented it as a wound treatment. We have been using this for such a long time even if it is a generic we would still call it Dakin’s.

It is a solvent to dead cells and speeds up the separation of living and dead tissues when used to irrigate the wound. It does not sting or burn and has been credited with saving thousands of lives since World War I. During the Civil War more soldiers were lost to infection than gun shot wounds. I have personally used this solution when working as a Wound Care Nurse and know that it works very well for removing dead tissue and preventing infection. I put Dakin’s Solution on a gauze pad and wiped the wound, the combination of the solution and the motion of wiping removed the dead tissue and left the beefy red live cells clean. I would then put the solution on another gauze pad and dab onto the live cells as a protective layer to prevent infection. The wound was then ready to put on the dressing.

There are stronger solutions but they can damage the living cells or lose their potency in the presence of blood. Dakin’s Solution does neither. Dakin’s is effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi.

You can also make this solution at home with ingredients you already have on hand. This solution will be very valuable after a disaster, so make sure you print out this blog post and put it in your first aid kit. Also it would be a good idea to make it a few times to make sure you can and that you are not making it for the first time in an emergency situation. This solution is unstable and deteriorates after a week. If you haven’t used all of it by the end of the week then use it as a cleaner in the kitchen or bathroom instead of wasting it.

You can also use Dakin’s solution as a mouthwash when you have a dental abscess. But spit out the rest of the solution and do NOT swallow it.

Adverse side effects are:
burning sensation
itching sensation
the skin around the wound turns red and swells
development of hives or blisters
IF your patient develops any of these signs reduce the concentration of the solution.

Full Strength 3 ounces [90 ml or cc] sodiumhypochlorate 5.25 to 6 % trade name Clorox. ONLY use pure sodiumhypochlorate without any scents or other additives! 32 ounces water (4 cups or 1 quart) if you use the metric system that would be 960 ml or cc. In this solution you could mix it in 1 liter of water. [by the way distilled water is best]

½ Strength 45 ml/cc or 1.5 ounces sodiumhypochlorate 5.25 to 6 %, to 1 quart or 1 liter of water.

¼ Strength 23 ml/cc sodiumhypochlorate 5.25 to 6 %, to 1 quart or 1 liter of water.

Add ½ teaspoon baking soda to any strength to buffer it to cut down on the stinging feel.

⦁ Measure out 1 quart or 1 liter distilled water if available, tap water would work too. Pour into a clean pan.
⦁ Add ½ teaspoonful of baking soda to the water and heat until bubbles form or the baking soda is dissolved
which ever happens 1st, stirring helps the baking soda go into solution faster.
⦁ Place the cooled solution in a clean jar. The jar does not have to be STERILE.
⦁ Add sodiumhypochlorate/Clorox (whichever concentration you are making)
⦁ Close lid tightly and shake a few times.
⦁ Unopened jars can be stored for one month after you have prepared them.
⦁ Label the jar with what strength and the solution, date you made it and who made it. As an example –
Dakin’s solution full strength 1916-Jan-19 RBO

I am not a doctor and this is a homemade remedy intended for use only after SHTF. (so you know the saying) I recommend that you do your own research on anything that you read so you are assured of its use and the accuracy of the information provided. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another.

This will be good to know for a grid down or wilderness healthcare situation.

cross ref

and for sterilizing surgical instruments review

PS, WHY does the jar not have to be STERILE? ; ] Respond in the comments section.