Pearl Harbor Day 2020

Pearl Harbor Day 2020

December 7th 1941 a date which will live in infamy.

The attack on pearl harbor and the US of A was 79 years ago.

The Japanese launched a surprise attack which brought US into the ongoing war as an active participant. There was a lot of people going without as resources were diverted to the war effort. There was forced rationing of resources which included fuel, tires and even food.

Lessons learned

Even IF you are not interested in politics [Poly Tics = many blood sucking pests] you need to pay attention to what is going on in your area, town, county, state, nation and world as things can and often do bleed over to effect YOU and your family.

As much as you may WANT peace and safety for you and yours and how hard you work for peace, you must be ready to protect yourself [ourselves] with force should others want less than peaceful interactions with you.

During times of plenty you should at least consider building up YOUR reserves of things and knowledge which you need on an ongoing basis. Food and water, capital -money AND human, learning and experience to understand and do for yourself [family, friends and neighbors] TOOLS of your trade and building stuff.

Be ever engaged in improving your situation.

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