Food storage long term ideas

Quick ideas for long term food storage.

The question was asked —
What is the best kind of food to stock up that lasts for years?

Some folks would suggest freeze dried foods such – well you know the major brands and those ARE good to have some of BUT not when you are short of money and just starting out due to the expense.
Use what you store and store what you use.

Keep in mind that there IS a limit on how much you can store, after all YOU can not print money like national governments do. You will need to resupply at some point and be sustainable.

Better suggestions are : I’d raised turnips and different beans , corn, peas and carrots in a garden . anything else that you need to be free of having to go to a store. this is what my parents lived in the depression they had hogs to kill in the late fall. they had a smokehouse to do the hogs in.
whole wheat berries NOT flour, white rice, pasta, salt, white sugar, beans of all kinds, popcorn, whole field corn…. all of this stores for years in 2L coke bottles along with water.. spices….. AND … live traps to get breading stock. rat traps for right away eating. PS learn how to save seeds wild craft / guerrilla or covert gardening. and fruit trees

cross ref  This is book 1 the quick start guide to preparedness.

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