Friday October 13th

Friday October 13th


Here is the projection by most others. [Tomorrow is declared to be a global Muslim Jihad uprising day in response to Israel’s invasion of Gaza, and its mass indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian civilians across the Gaza Strip.

Expect Jewish places of worship to be targeted, and take all precautions for safety and security.]

What is the reality?

Who knows?

I don’t. Also most others don’t either, I bet.

What we DO know is that those that did the attack recently in Israel are monsters. They are evil.

Do they actually have anything planned for the next month or so? Once again, who knows?  However regardless of their plans, IF they can alter OUR behavior, they win.

So here are MY plans. We will do what we always do. Every Thursday we top up our vehicle’s fuel tank. We hit the food section and get whatever fresh foods we want for the next several days. We do whatever other errands we need done. Sunday is church. There is no reason to not go.

General plans – everyone DOES need to be alert to their surroundings ALL the time. Be aware where the exits are and the best route back to your vehicle/home. Stay in communication with the rest of your family.

Carry water, cut wood, same as we do every week.

OK, so why is Friday the 13th is unlucky? Well first off it is NOT every Friday the 13th.  Friday the 13th of October 1307 is when the POPE ordered that the Knights Templar be arrested. Many of them were arrested, tortured and a lot of them were burned at the stake. Others died in prison. Rumor has it that many more escaped capture and fled to the new world [America] once again, who know???

Other notables on this date

1943 Some 300 Jewish labourers at Sobibor extermination camp in Nazi-occupied Poland staged a revolt, killing several SS supervisors and Ukrainian guards; many inmates died, and the camp was subsequently dismantled.


1644  English Quaker leader and advocate of religious freedom William Penn, who oversaw the founding of the American Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, was born

1925 the birth of the iron lady Margaret Thatcher  prime minister of England

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