shortages 2021+

2019 was not a good years for crops…   late spring and an early winter cut the harvest in the us by some 40% and there was a reported die off of pigs.
2020 also known as BLURSday because it is all a blur with the human malware program 19 which shut everly thing done..   Things did not get planted on time IF at all. MANY tons of live stock were killed and buried because the processing plants did not have staff to process them, and besides that most eateries were closed to indoor eating and most did not have drive ups. 2021 has not any better.
Stores are short of supplies enough that most have noticed it. Many stores are still limiting how much you can buy per day of some products. Some food companies have suspended operations due to lack of food and other needed supplies for operation—  see attached letter from AUGASON FARMS which is one of the MAJOR suppliers of long term storage foods.
Incoming shipments are having to wait off shore due to a reported lack of dock workers. Because of this a lot of ‘fresh’ foods are rotting on the ships.
AS IF all this were not bad enough, prices for what is available are going UP!  Inflation ya’know …
What to do….    stock up what you can reasonably use. Get what shelf stable food you can and safely store it. IF you will need shoes anytime in the next few years, buy them now. Same with tires and oil for your car.
DO NOT do like some did when that pipeline was shut down and pump GAS into plastic bags like one video on the net showed one female doing.
IF you have not already done so…   Pick a spot in your yard and start right now planning next years garden! IF you can, get most of the seeds you will need NOW along with any tools. Plant a food forest even if you don’t think YOU will be around to eat from it…  your kids will be [or grand kids].
Keep a journal of daily happenings, your thoughts, stuff you have learned and stuff you want to learn. Include in your journal a daily list or log of EVERYTHING you use/consume…    over a period of time your come to KNOW how much of what you need to be stocking.
Pray for guidance in all that you do…
FOOD Augason 2021

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