Swearing today

Swearing today


As we count down to the swearing in on the 20th at noon  of Harris/Biden  It will go on quietly.


STAY AWAY from DC and your state capitol this week…   nothing good will come from being there. This is for BOTH sides of the isle.

Stay peaceful and orderly, remember that we are still a nation of laws .

OK so what to do during this time of change?

Back up your plans and critical documents and hard drives.  Be ready to fight fires until help arrives.  YOU are your own first responder – stay ready!

Gather information locally. Listen to your radios [am/fm broadcast, scanner, CB, ect to know what is going on. Stay away from any trouble spots. Share information with your friends and us here at the blog [in the comments section of this post] report any criminal activity you witness to the police.

Review your communication plans with your family / team.

What do you still need to deal with a shelter in place situation?

Just a side note…   the national guard in all 50 states reportedly are on alert and for sure the ones in DC will be armed [and just as scared about the situation as anyone else is]. DO NOT push them,, they are just trying to do their jobs. Same with the police, FBI ect… ***interesting that so many have been sent to DC AND that the FBI has to update background checks on ALL of them!  They ALL took an oath to protect the US Constitution [as many of us have] They WILL discharge their duties and keep the peace.

*** Interesting note.. recently 2,000 National Guard troops were sworn in as Deputy US Marshals … search for the story on Duck Duck Go and read it from a few days ago…***


Be ready to provide first aid and other emergency care IF there is trouble…

Cross ref







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