Tag Archives: survival humor

Survival humor WHY

Humor in survival.

Survival situations ARE serious, many would say that it is not a laughing matter. I concur that many things are serious but it often helps if you can break the tension some how.

We have all heard “laughter is the best medicine” “humor in uniform” ‘hospital humor’ “gallows humor’ and dozens more.

There are also ‘team building exercises’ some of the commonalities of team building are;
1. shared experiences
2. shared purposes
3. breaking bread – kinda hard to eat together in a virtual setting BUT sharing recipes, along with likes or dislikes can have much the same effect.
4. Shared knowledge
5. shared laughter

IS it better to physically come together to share things? YUP! But, the next best thing to being there is to share all of these things in a virtual environment.

We can learn from a wider variety of sources and bounce ideas off of more friends. The term is cross pollinate ideas. This can help to avoid figurative echo chambers.

IF all we talk about is live and death topics, soon we start getting depressed and that becomes Unfun. Anything that is not fun we will soon lose interest in it and find something [or someone] else that we will enjoy to spend our time on.

Also we tend to LEARN better if something is fun and maybe even funny.

The short of it is learn to look for the fun in the needed activities.

PS What Carter added ” Sitting around the campfire and telling tales of all the times you screwed up” IS one of the better ways to bond .. the next best way is to do the same thing virtually too.

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