47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p3

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p3

May the Forth be with you!

Condition cutting boards-apply a small amount of Olive Oil onto a rag and wipe the cutting
Board and leave on, use as normal

Waterproof your work boots-apply a small amount of Olive Oil onto a rag and then work into
boots, wipe off any excess oil with clean rag

Shine brass-apply Olive Oil onto a rag and work in circular motion, get clean rag and working in
circular motion wipe off any excess oil

Remove sap or tar from skin-apply a tablespoon of Olive Oil and work into hands for a few
minutes then wash hands with warm soapy water

Lubricate hairballs-place 1 teaspoon into your cats daily dish, the Olive Oil will lubricate
hairballs to make them go through intestines and the hairballs will end up in the kitty litter
instead of the living room floor

Remove Eye Makeup-pour a drop or 2 of Olive Oil onto a cotton ball and apply to makeup on
eyes and around eyes, around eyes, let sit for a few minutes then wipe off the eye makeup
and the extra Olive Oil, this will remove make up, soften the skin around eyes and smooth
out the wrinkles

Prevent earwax buildup-place a few drops of warm Olive Oil (do not boil) into the ear canal
with that ear facing upward, leave for a few minutes then turn that downward and lay on
that side with a towel under the ear to catch excess oil and earwax

Shaving cream-replace shaving cream with Olive Oil and shave as normal, will smooth the skin
and prevent red bumps on face

Remove paint from hair-moisten a cotton ball with Olive Oil and gently rub into hair after a few
minutes wash with shampoo and rinse well

Shoe polish-place a few drops of Olive Oil onto a rag then work into shoes, with a clean rag
wipe off excess oil and buff shoes

Ear ache relief-place a few drops of warm Olive Oil into the ear canal tipping your head so that
the ear that hurts is upward, lay down with that ear still upward for 3-5 minutes, when you
stand up have a Kleenex ready in case any extra oil or wax comes out

Soothes itchy, burning, irritated skin and may help rashes heal just apply to the skin

Personal lubricant-use instead of KY jelly, but avoid using with latex condoms because the
condom will not work to prevent pregnancy nor the transmission of STDs

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