Tag Archives: Olive Oil

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p5

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p5

Face scrub-make a paste of 4 tablespoons salt with 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil, work on face,
leave on a minute or two then rinse off with warm soapy water, apply daily for one week,
then cut back to 2-3 times weekly, the salt cleanses the pores by exfoliation and the Olive
Oil restores skin’s natural moisture

Bath Oil-place a few drops of your favorite essential oil and 3-4 tablespoons of Olive Oil into
your bath water

Lice treatment-helps dissolve the exoskeleton of these little parasites, and smother the ones
that are resistant-pour Olive Oil onto hair liberally, comb out any visible lice with a nit comb
and leave on under a shower cap for up to 8 hours, follow by coating the hair in apple cider
vinegar, leave overnight, shampoo as usual and then comb out any remaining eggs

Homemade soap-search the internet for this, there are many different kinds of soap made with
Olive Oil

Lip balm-mix Olive Oil and melted beeswax in a 1:1 ratio with essential oil for fragrance

Stretch marks-reduce the appearance of stretch marks by combining equal parts of Cocoa
Butter and Olive Oil for a stretch mark minimizer will not remove entirely

Prevent prematurely gray hair-Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains pigments, using it in your hair will
gradually darken it

Prevent hair loss and damage-use Olive Oil to manage your hair instead of using harsh
chemicals, you can minimize damage to your hair

Minimize cellulite-mix used coffee grounds with Olive Oil for a topical cellulite treatment, apply
directly to skin, will not eliminate entirely

Reduce nitric acid to normal levels-Nitric acid has been proven to increase blood pressure, Olive
Oil reduces nitric acid levels, take 1 tablespoon internally daily

Help fight off degenerative disease-the antioxidants in Olive Oil give it the power to help lessen
the impact of degenerative diseases in your body, take 1 tablespoon internally daily

Make a natural vitamin supplement-2 tablespoons taken internally daily can replace daily Vit E
supplement while providing all the other benefits of Olive Oil

If you are taking a blood thinner such as Warfarin you should be very consistent in your consumption of
olive oil as it is also high in Vitamin K. Obviously you should consult your healthcare provider.

Singers swear by this throat soother-swallow a tablespoon of Olive Oil and you will not have to
clear your throat nearly as often during a performance, soothes itchy throats, lubricate back
of mouth and tonsil area and may lessen snoring

We would like to hear what you use Olive oil for……

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p4

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p4

Massage oil-use instead of expensive massage oil, you can add essential oil to Olive Oil to make
a more pleasant aroma, otherwise take a warm shower afterwards so you will not smell
like french fries — EDITOR’S note – Olive Oil is the only base oil that I will use when giving a massage as
there is less of a chance of adverse reactions. RBO–

Pet lush coat-place a few drops of Olive Oil in your dog or cats food dish each day for a lush,
healthy, shiny coat, also can relieve skin irritation caused by fleas or dry skin and a great
lubricant for sore, cracked paws

Frizzy hair-on those humid days, place a few drops of Olive Oil into the palm of your hand, rub
Your hands together to spread the oil around, then rub your hands into your hair, then comb
and style as usual

Darken and highlight eyelashes-use Olive Oil instead of mascara to darken and shine your
eyelashes and eyebrows being careful not to get into eyes

Protect hands from yard work-put a few drops of Olive Oil onto hands and work in before
gardening or other dirty work to prevent dirt buildup and make cleaning up easier

Hair detangler-in a spray bottle place 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil into the bottle then fill the rest
of the bottle with water, shake well and spray some into hair, work in well with fingers and
then comb and style as normal (add or subtract the amount of oil according to your hair)

Fingernails-using a cotton ball apply some Olive Oil to moisture cuticles, or mix oil and water
to soak fingertips into before a manicure

Treatment of sunburn-soothes the pain of mild sunburn by helping skin retain its moisture-use
equal parts of Olive Oil and water in a spray bottle, shake often to keep it from separating
spray onto sunburn several times a day until sunburn stops burning

Firm and tone skin-combine equal parts water and Olive Oil in a spray jar, shake well spray on
skin and work in, puts moisture back into skin and gives more elasticity

Polish furniture-combine 2 parts Olive Oil with 1 part lemon juice or white vinegar in a spray
bottle, spray onto furniture and let stand for a minute or two when wipe off

Get paint or car grease off you hands-place 1 teaspoon Olive Oil and 1 teaspoon salt or sugar
into the palm of your hand, rub hands together, getting in between fingers and rub around
fingernails, wash hands with warm soapy water and rinse well

Put moisture back into hair-heat ½ cup Olive Oil (don’t boil) and liberally apply to hair, cover
with a plastic grocery bag then wrap in a towel, let set for 45 minutes then shampoo and
thoroughly rinse

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p3

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p3

May the Forth be with you!

Condition cutting boards-apply a small amount of Olive Oil onto a rag and wipe the cutting
Board and leave on, use as normal

Waterproof your work boots-apply a small amount of Olive Oil onto a rag and then work into
boots, wipe off any excess oil with clean rag

Shine brass-apply Olive Oil onto a rag and work in circular motion, get clean rag and working in
circular motion wipe off any excess oil

Remove sap or tar from skin-apply a tablespoon of Olive Oil and work into hands for a few
minutes then wash hands with warm soapy water

Lubricate hairballs-place 1 teaspoon into your cats daily dish, the Olive Oil will lubricate
hairballs to make them go through intestines and the hairballs will end up in the kitty litter
instead of the living room floor

Remove Eye Makeup-pour a drop or 2 of Olive Oil onto a cotton ball and apply to makeup on
eyes and around eyes, around eyes, let sit for a few minutes then wipe off the eye makeup
and the extra Olive Oil, this will remove make up, soften the skin around eyes and smooth
out the wrinkles

Prevent earwax buildup-place a few drops of warm Olive Oil (do not boil) into the ear canal
with that ear facing upward, leave for a few minutes then turn that downward and lay on
that side with a towel under the ear to catch excess oil and earwax

Shaving cream-replace shaving cream with Olive Oil and shave as normal, will smooth the skin
and prevent red bumps on face

Remove paint from hair-moisten a cotton ball with Olive Oil and gently rub into hair after a few
minutes wash with shampoo and rinse well

Shoe polish-place a few drops of Olive Oil onto a rag then work into shoes, with a clean rag
wipe off excess oil and buff shoes

Ear ache relief-place a few drops of warm Olive Oil into the ear canal tipping your head so that
the ear that hurts is upward, lay down with that ear still upward for 3-5 minutes, when you
stand up have a Kleenex ready in case any extra oil or wax comes out

Soothes itchy, burning, irritated skin and may help rashes heal just apply to the skin

Personal lubricant-use instead of KY jelly, but avoid using with latex condoms because the
condom will not work to prevent pregnancy nor the transmission of STDs

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p2

Part 2

How to store

There are 4 enemies of Olive Oil they are: heat, light, air and time. So, store in dark containers and put containers in cool and dry places. Watch out for rancidity in time.

Nutrient value

One tablespoon of Olive Oil contains:

Calories: 119
Fat: 13.50 grams
Saturated Fat: 2 grams
Carbohydrates: 0
Fibers: 0
Protein: 0
Vit E: 1.9 mg
Vit K: 8.1 ug


Can be used in place of WD40 or 3-1 oil to lubricate squeaky hinges, chairs, etc.

Clean and protect from rust- rub Olive Oil onto clean garden tools wipe off excess

Recondition baseball mitt and or other leather-work Olive Oil into dry areas, let set for 30
minutes and wipe off excess oil

Stainless steel shine-wipe off the stainless steel object first to make sure all dirt & grim is off
then put Olive Oil onto a rag and wipe on the object, then with a clean rag buff in circular
motion with firm pressure, will protect against rust and make the object shine

Sticker remover-dab Olive Oil onto a sticker or label, let oil sit for a few minutes, sticker will
peel right off

Lamp fuel

Chewing gum remover-apply Olive Oil to the gum & surrounding hair, leave in for 5-10 minutes
then pull gum out

Free a stuck zipper-use cotton swab to apply Olive Oil to teeth of zipper work zipper a few times

Prevent mosquitoes from breeding-prevent mosquito larvae from contaminating rainwater by
pouring a layer of Olive Oil on top of the water in your rain barrel

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p1

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen

Olive Oil is very useful to have stored up. Not only can you cook with it, there are many things outside of the kitchen that you can use olive oil for. Here, I will discuss 75 of them. But let us begin with some background information on olives and Olive Oil.

What is Olive Oil

Olive Oil is a fat that comes from pressing whole olives. The Olive is in the fruit family. The Olive Tree originated in the Mediterranean basin.

History of Olive Oil

From archeology digs it was found that the first olive oil presses date back to 6000 BC. Olive oil has been an important trade item throughout history. The Spartins used olive oil to put on their bodies and then scraped off for the games in Greece. At this same time women used olive oil in their cosmetics.

Production & Consumption

As of 2013 Spain was the largest producer of olive oil with 39% of the total world production.
Olive oil is produced in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Australia, Turkey, Tunisia, Greece, Morocco, Syria and Algeria. In the United States olive oil is produced in California, Texas and Arizona.

The country with the most consumption per capita is Greece which consumes over 24 liters per person per year.

Names for Olive Oil

Different names on the Olive Oil labels indicate the amount and type of processing the olive goes through, it also describes the quality of the olive oil.

Extra virgin Olive Oil is the highest grade. The word virgin refers to the process that no heat or chemicals were used to extract the oil. Virgin Olive Oil contains the highest levels of polyphenols an antioxidant and the most healthy oil.

Olive Oil is a combination of refined and virgin oils.

Cold Pressed or Cold Extraction means that the oil was heated but not over 80F during processing so that it contains more of the nutrients of the fruit. The higher the heat the less nutrients the oil contains.