Author Archives: RBO





Welcome to Stockholm!


Random thoughts…


It has been about a year since masking and lockdowns began. It will only last 2 weeks to break the transmission of the DEADLY virus.  RIGHT??  It is just for now, not forever!…  and here we are a year later still basically locked down. True THEY are lightening the restrictions but are ready to clamp down again WHEN there is another wave OR when the program/virus mutates.


A friend of the group has a relative who was put in a nursing home / long tern care facility a few months prior to the release of the virus. The family was able to visit before the lock down started. Then the lock down started… While they were able to call on the phone often and did make use of video conferencing for many months, it is NOT the same as face to face visits. After 6 months of ‘solitary confinement’ er ahhhh I mean medical protective isolation it takes a toll on people. Last month the patient in the nursing home had quit eating and drinking. The family was gathered to say their good byes as she was expected to die soon. The family was ALLOWED to visit as a group face to face with the patient for most of the day. How nice of the facility to allow contact! During the visit she started feeling hungry and started eating and drinking again because the family was there and what do you do at social events? You eat. The family continued to vist over the next few days. Her condition improved so much that she was ‘out of the danger zone’ and continued to get stronger. While this is a good thing, the facility decided that because she was not going to die soon that she was healthy enough to lock her back down and bar the family from face to face contact.  Back to medical protective isolation.  SMH  So, how many have died this last year because they gave up hope? How many died of loneliness?  Hummm what does this have to do with history [if anything]? Kinda reminds one of the 1930s.



Insurance may not cover your death IF it was from an experimental drug ie the human mal-ware program 19 vaccine. There have been some reports [unconfirmed by me, do your own research and let us know what you find out] that death benefits have been withheld to some families over this.


Recently a group of citizens lead by an MD, filed a civil rights suite against several in state government over the mask mandate and lock downs. Will see how that pans out.  ********web site***********  miracles do happen as the governor has decided to lift the mask mandate next week and businesses are now headed to being normalized.

So to recap the last year or so, this disease was noticed, the press whipped up concern, governments around the world locked everything down [took away most of our liberties and isolated us for our own good] and now are slowly giving us stuff back. BUT reminding us that THEY can lock us all down again when the disease numbers spike! This is sounding familiar to me from history.


Stockholm syndrome  ***the following was excerpted from


*** Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.[1] Emotional bonds may be formed between captors and captives, during intimate time together, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. Stockholm syndrome has never been included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM, the standard tool for diagnostic of psychiatric illnesses and disorders, mainly due to the lack of a consistent body of academic research.[2][3][4] The syndrome is rare: according to data from the FBI about 5% of hostage victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.[5]

This term was first used by the media in 1973 when four hostages were taken during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. The hostages defended their captors after being released and would not agree to testify in court against them.[2] It was noted that in this case, however, the police were perceived to have acted with little care for the hostages’ safety,[6] providing an alternative reason for their unwillingness to testify. Stockholm syndrome is paradoxical because the sympathetic sentiments that captives feel towards their captors are the opposite of the fear and disdain which an onlooker might feel towards the captors.  ***


Well established examples of Stockholm syndrome …  military basic training   they break you down to rebuild you. Btw this is an example of a good thing as it gets you to be able to do more than you thought you could.


What other examples of Stockholm syndrome can you come up with?



What to do?


Chop wood and carry water.

Continue to prep. Finish planning your garden for this year AND get extra seeds! LEARN how to do things. Make friends. Write down your plans as you discuss them with your family.


Prices are going UP, get the durable goods and food you will need NOW. Get tools of your trade and extra ones NOW!   Get out of debt!!!!

Cross ref


Winter cold

If you have never driven on snow/ice please don’t. Stay home unless you absolutely have no other choice. The most dangerous thing is plow drivers face is other drivers that are unaware of how dangerous conditions are, and if you do need to get out go slow, give us a space to work, and don’t panic in and emergency. If you begin to slide, don’t slam on the brakes, put the car in neutral, and softly tap the brake so you can somewhat control the car until you come to a complete stop. Keep blankets in the car, and don’t let your fuel tank get below 3/4 of a tank. —

Strongly consider equipping your vehicle with both CB and GMRS radios– get a HAM license too. Have what you need to charge you devices like your phone so you can stay in touch with others AND ALWAYS let family/friends KNOW where you are AND your travel plans so you can be found. Family should have your vehicle info written down at home so the police know what to look for if you are overdue.

Never leave canned pop in the vehicle….   

Cross ref 

May be a meme of text that says 'This is actual advice the news is giving to Southerners for driving in snow uincoo TWITTER ADVICE FROM @Chadsu42 STOPPED SLOW TRAFFIC If you rarely drive on snow, just pretend you're taking your grandma to church. There's aplatter of biscuits and 2 galions of sweet tea in glass jars in the back seat. She's wearing new dress and holding crock pot full of gravy. WBTV 3 News at 6am'

Checking in

Well folks the new president was sworn in a bit over 3 weeks ago. That night there was a riot that I heard about in Portland OR  it was interesting that it was ANTIFA burning stuff like the DNC because they were unhappy that Biden had not done enough for them. Crazy behavior as all last summer they [Antifa] were upset over the bad orange man [Trump]. What will make them happy?  IDK….


The right [Trump supporters] have not caused ANY problems at all.   AS EXPECTED!


Oh well, today it got clear UP to 0 degrees F where I live.  The weather people are projecting MINUS 30 degrees F this weekend so it should be fun. <G>


Stay warm, but not too warm as once you start sweating you will then go into hypothermia and could die.


Dress in layers, stay hydrated and well fed.


Keep up with Journaling —

Review your communication plans with your family / team.


Be ready to provide first aid and other emergency care IF there is trouble…

Cross ref




Spookily, CS LEWIS wrote this nearly 70 years ago but could have been written today:

′′One young devil asked the old man: “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!” Answers the youngster: “Great job! And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” Answers the man: “No, they were afraid of the disease!” For this youngster: “Does this mean they didn’t get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for them?”

The old man answered: “but no . . . they got sick, died, and the rescue was there.” The young devil, surprised, answered: “Then I don’t understand???” The old man answered: “You know they believed the only thing they have to keep at any cost is their lives.

They stopped hugging, greeting each other. They’ve moved away from each other. They gave up all social contacts and everything that was human! Later they ran out of money, lost their jobs, but that was their choice because they were afraid for their lives, that’s why they quit their jobs without even having bread.

They believed blindly everything they heard and read in the papers.

They gave up their freedoms, they didn’t leave their own homes literally anywhere. They stopped visiting family and friends. The world turned into such a concentration camp, without forcing them into captivity.

They accepted everything!!! Just to live at least one more miserable day . . . And so living, they died every day!!! And that’s how it was very easy for me to take their miserable souls to hell….. ′′

C.S. Lewis – ′′ Old Devil’s Letters To Young ′′ 1942.

Swearing today

Swearing today


As we count down to the swearing in on the 20th at noon  of Harris/Biden  It will go on quietly.


STAY AWAY from DC and your state capitol this week…   nothing good will come from being there. This is for BOTH sides of the isle.

Stay peaceful and orderly, remember that we are still a nation of laws .

OK so what to do during this time of change?

Back up your plans and critical documents and hard drives.  Be ready to fight fires until help arrives.  YOU are your own first responder – stay ready!

Gather information locally. Listen to your radios [am/fm broadcast, scanner, CB, ect to know what is going on. Stay away from any trouble spots. Share information with your friends and us here at the blog [in the comments section of this post] report any criminal activity you witness to the police.

Review your communication plans with your family / team.

What do you still need to deal with a shelter in place situation?

Just a side note…   the national guard in all 50 states reportedly are on alert and for sure the ones in DC will be armed [and just as scared about the situation as anyone else is]. DO NOT push them,, they are just trying to do their jobs. Same with the police, FBI ect… ***interesting that so many have been sent to DC AND that the FBI has to update background checks on ALL of them!  They ALL took an oath to protect the US Constitution [as many of us have] They WILL discharge their duties and keep the peace.

*** Interesting note.. recently 2,000 National Guard troops were sworn in as Deputy US Marshals … search for the story on Duck Duck Go and read it from a few days ago…***


Be ready to provide first aid and other emergency care IF there is trouble…

Cross ref



Swearing count down 2 days

Swearing in count down 2 days


As we count down to the swearing in on the 20th at noon  of Harris/Biden


DO the normal stuff and top up with fuel for sure by MONDAY!  Hit the bank and get some cash out. Go get food as if you were looking at a 3 week blizzard so you can SIP-shelter in place at home.


BUY durable goods that you will need in a grid down situation..   Sawyer water filters are a good portable device- One for each person PLUS a few more in case some get broken.


STAY AWAY from DC and your state capitol this week…   nothing good will come from being there. This is for BOTH sides of the isle. There are rumors of trouble starting Friday night and going all week through next weekend. I would also stay away from your county seats for the same time and reasons.

*** locally we did have a few folk show up BUT as we expected there was no trouble related to that in Cheyenne WY.***



Stay peaceful and orderly, remember that we are still a nation of laws .


OK so what to do during this time of change?


Back up your plans and critical documents and hard drives.  Be ready to fight fires until help arrives.  YOU are your own first responder – stay ready!


Gather information locally. Listen to your radios [am/fm broadcast, scanner, CB, ect to know what is going on. Stay away from any trouble spots. Share information with your friends and us here at the blog [in the comments section of this post] report any criminal activity you witness to the police.


Review your communication plans with your family / team.


What do you still need to deal with a shelter in place situation?


Just a side note…   the national guard in all 50 states reportedly are on alert and for sure the ones in DC will be armed [and just as scared about the situation as anyone else is]. DO NOT push them,, they are just trying to do their jobs. Same with the police, FBI ect… ***interesting that so many have been sent to DC AND that the FBI has to update background checks on ALL of them!  They ALL took an oath to protect the US Constitution [as many of us have] They WILL discharge their duties and keep the peace.


Be ready to provide first aid and other emergency care IF there is trouble…

Cross ref

Swearing count down

Swearing count down


As we count down to the swearing in on the 20th at noon  of Harris/Biden


DO the normal stuff and top up with fuel for sure by MONDAY!  Hit the bank and get some cash out. Go get food as if you were looking at a 3 week blizzard so you can SIP-shelter in place at home.


STAY AWAY from DC and your state capitol this week…   nothing good will come from being there. This is for BOTH sides of the isle. There are rumors of trouble starting Friday night and going all week through next weekend. I would also stay away from your county seats for the same time and reasons.



Stay peaceful and orderly, remember that we are still a nation of laws .


OK so what to do during this time of change?


Gather information locally. Listen to your radios [am/fm broadcast, scanner, CB, ect to know what is going on. Stay away from any trouble spots. Share information with your friends and us here at the blog [in the comments section of this post] report any criminal activity you witness to the police.


Review your communication plans with your family / team.


What do you still need to deal with a shelter in place situation?


Just a side note…   the national guard in all 50 states reportedly are on alert and for sure the ones in DC will be armed [and just as scared about the situation as anyone else is]. DO NOT push them,, they are just trying to do their jobs. Same with the police, FBI ect…

****Have you planned your garden yet???   IF not, best get after it AND order the seeds you will need. ****

Be ready to provide first aid and other emergency care IF there is trouble…

Cross ref


Count down to Jan 20th

Count down to Jan 20th 2021


Here we are a week before Biden/Harris get sworn in.


Half are happy and half are not…..   Things are what they are. Do the best you can.


Regardless of how you feel about all this, maintain your social distance from all the activities.


There is more going on than meets the eye with all this stuff last week.


Stay peaceful and orderly, remember that we are still a nation of laws .


OK so what to do during this time of change?


Gather information locally. Listen to your radios [am/fm broadcast, scanner, CB, ect to know what is going on. Stay away from any trouble spots. Share information with your friends and us here at the blog [in the comments section of this post] report any criminal activity you witness to the police.


Top off you fuel tank Thursday of this week AND again on MONDAY next week. Make your last runs to the stores to top up your provisions as if you were heading into a 3 week blizzard.


Review your communication plans with your family / team.


What do you still need to deal with a shelter in place situation?


Just a side note…   the national guard in all 50 states reportedly are on alert and for sure the ones in DC will be armed [and just as scared about the situation as anyone else is]. DO NOT push them,, they are just trying to do their jobs. Same with the police, FBI ect…


Be ready to provide first aid and other emergency care IF there is trouble…


With less than a week to go…..   the House wants to impeach NOW….   Consider that once the new people are in office at noon on the 20th – congress will no longer have jurisdiction to deal with The Donald….   So what is the real point?  It is a waste of time and effort…

Cross ref

Current events 20210107

Current events 20210107



Well things are getting really real and we need to pay attention to things, stay alert.


While we normally avoid politics it appears that all of us need to be more involved. Ymmv.


By now most everyone has heard of the situation in DC yesterday.  STILL half the country is happy and the other half is not….     Everyone just has to deal with it… till the next elections \.


There were several early reports that Antifa ect were planning a false flag op at the demonstration. I would think that THEY were the bulk of the rioting….  perhaps egged on by the deep state….   IDK was not there… BUT – late night national news about 3 am today heard it reported that facial recognition programs IDed several Antifa regulars were in the raiding party…    Have heard that repeated today..


Biggest issue for me is that we all need to pay more attention to the home front…   Violence is not the answer [except in self defense] …    stay ready to shelter in place, still share your/our points of view  with those we elect and remember all this next election.


The demonstration that we had in Cheyenne at the capitol [about 450 people which IS a big crowd for this state] was peaceful with no reported violence that I have heard yet….


Take care and stay safe…



Most of the following came to us from others  DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on this.



President Trump speaking at the DC 1/6/21 Save America rally: You’re stronger, you’re smarter, you’ve got more going than anybody and they try and demean everybody having to do with us. And you’re the real people. You are the people who built this nation. You’re not the people that tore down our nation.


Elijah Schaffer , Blaze TV tweet: BREAKING: Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building, tearing down 4 layers of security fencing and are attempting to occupy the building — fighting federal police who are overrun. This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Thousands, police can’t stop them


Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine wrote: After a year of normalizing riots, of silencing anyone who dared to condemn rioting as a racist, there’s shock at the rioting on Capitol Hill. Rioting is obviously wrong. Much like protesting outside people’s homes, doxxing political opponents on social media, and the whole rest of the ugly social justice playbook. Except it’s not wrong if one side normalizes it and then acts shocked when that creates a new normal.


Emma Right tweet: Stop listening to MSM lies. I was there in DC. Antifa started to break windows but stops by Trump supporters.


Andrea Widburg contributor to American Thinker wrote:  . . .if anyone led to this uprising, it’s not Trump: It’s the establishment. It’s the media, the political class, the NeverTrumpers, the RINOS, and all the others who refuse to acknowledge that a republic cannot survive if people do not trust the political system. They are the ones who are fanning the flames higher and higher.


Now President-Elect, Joe Biden, who has never condemned Antifa and BLM violence and rioting said yesterday:  At  this hour, our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times. I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege. It’s not protest. It’s insurrection.


Senator Lindsey Graham (R- SC) tweet: I could not agree more with President-elect Biden’s statement to the nation. Time to retake the Capitol, end the violence, & stop the madness.  Time to move forward in governing our nation.  Our differences are real but the love of our nation overwhelms our differences.


John Marshall tweet: Liz Cheney: We just had a violent mob assault the US capitol … No question the President formed the mob, the President incited the mob, the President addressed the mob. He lit the flame.


President George W. Bush: I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol — and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress — was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our Nation and reputation.


Senator Kelly Loeffler  (R-GA) who lost her reelection to Democrat said: When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes. However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider, and I cannot now, in good conscience, object to the certification of these electors.


Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT):  What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the President of the United States.


Dr. Fauci, in moving the goal post yet again, predicts some semblance of normalcy by the Fall: If we then diligently vaccinate people in April, May, June, July, that we will gradually and noticeably get a degree of protection approaching herd immunity, which I believe —  first of all, no one really knows what absolute herd immunity is for coronavirus. We know what it is for measles because we have decades of experience with measles. So I would say it’s somewhere between 70% and 85%.


Pat McMurray for Gateway Pundit wrote: We checked it out, and the report is correct. Vice President Pence, whose political career is likely over, has unfollowed President Trump. We’ve gone through the list of accounts he follows and while Melania Trump remains on that list, President Trump is no longer on his “Following” list.




Right Side Broadcasting Network: TRUMP RALLY LIVE IN DC: President Donald Trump at Save America Rally at The Ellipse 1/6/21

Start the video at the 3:34:01 mark:


******Moorhead; WHITE HOUSEPresident Donald Trump Pledges “Orderly Transition” on January 20th

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”

Read more:



Sundance: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter Delete President Trump Tweets and Videos Urging for Calm and Peace – Control Platforms Using Alinsky Tactics

After a day of conflict and agitation within Washington DC, some of which was agitated by Antifa and far-left provocateurs (will come out in the days ahead), President Trump urged calm and peace in a Twitter message and video.  However, the social media platforms did not like that President Trump continued to challenge the Biden election win: “We had an election that was stolen from us,” the President said. You have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order,” Trump said. “We don’t want anybody hurt.” “I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace,” adding: “We love you. You’re very special.”  In what can be considered a planned approach Twitter then blocked and suspended President Trump’s account: . . . Twitter went one-step further in their efforts to be the arbiters of public discourse and said they will continue to monitor the “situation in real time, including examining activity on the ground and statements made off Twitter. We will keep the public informed, including if further escalation in our enforcement approach is necessary.” Twitter also threatened to permanently suspend Donald Trump’s account: . . .

Read more:




Greenfield: Democrats Were For Riots Before They Were Against Them

Why is broken glass on Capitol Hill so much more precious than the broken glass in Kenosha? In 2018, the media was writing up glowing stories about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings.

Hundreds of members from the radical leftist group had invaded the hearings and were arrested. Their travel expenses and bail for the disruptions were covered by the Women’s March. Radicals from the March and other leftist groups blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on. When a leftist mob assailed the Supreme Court, pounding on the doors, MSNBC called it an “extraordinary moment” and praised the crowd, “besieging the Supreme Court” and “confronting senators”. “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them,” Rep. Maxine Waters had urged earlier that year. Later, the Democrat House member told MSNBC, “They’re going to absolutely harass them”. In 2020, Black Lives Matter rioters . . . Democrat House members took to proposing bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement. Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. This was the new normal enthusiastically supported by Democrats and the media. […]  After a massive peaceful rally by Save America protesters, who had been addressed by President Trump, a smaller group marched on Congress. In the resulting confrontation, a number of fringe elements, . . .  […]  The outrage over the protests is a farce coming from a political movement that advocated . . .  […]  Contrary to the media’s spin, Republicans have never normalized violence. And Republican political power doesn’t depend on political terror and violence. Leftist power invariably does.

Read more:


Justice; 28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative. On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. It was an astonishing display of anarchic protest that delayed congressional certification of the Electoral College vote formally handing former Vice President Joe Biden the keys to the White House. The scenes from the dark day of disaster demonstrations illustrated a deteriorating country, repulsed millions, and traumatized a nation still recovering from the death, despair, and disruption that came to define the dystopian months of 2020. Above all, what happened Wednesday served as a grim reminder that the institutional stress test of 2020 has followed us into 2021. For the left, however, the chaos at the Capitol has opened an opportunity to refute the perception they own the monopoly on widespread political violence. Democrats and left-wing media elites have already capitalized on the violent outbreak, where four people died, to characterize conservatives as the creatures of chaos. At this point, it’s undeniable that the political far-right calls home to its own Antifa-like anarchists. It is also undeniable, however, that reaction to the protests from conservative leaders roundly condemning the violence from their own side stands in remarkable contrast to the way Democrats and corporate media spent months going out of their way attempting to justify the deadly actions of militant leftists. […]  It was only seven months ago that Washington D.C. was last on fire. A trip down memory lane chronicling the left’s reaction to last year’s eruption of unrest claiming the lives of at least 30 people not only exposes the hypocrisy suffusing Democrats’ condemnation of political violence, but also illustrates a sobering reality that there’s plenty of blame to go around for the situation in which the United States now finds itself.  1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail . . . 2. Chris Cuomo: Who Said Protests Were Supposed To Be Peaceful? . . .

Read more:


BREAKING: Lawmakers Told to ‘Get Under Chairs’ As Precaution If Patriots Breach US Senate or House Floors, Tear Gas Used INSIDE Capitol

The Capitol is also being evacuated and CNN reports that tear gas has been used inside the building and lawmakers are holding gas masks. BREAKING: revolution in process as Trump supporters break into the Capitol building, attacking police, breaking windows, and knocking down doors  Full anarchy at this “mostly peaceful” demonstration DC. The people have pushed through & are storming to main chamber.

Watch the videos:


McMurray: Did Antifa Infiltrate The Mob of Protesters Who Stormed The Capitol Building? [VIDEO]

Journalist Paul Sperry tweeted that about a former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol who texted him and “confirmed that at least 1 “bus load” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops.” Storming buildings and creating chaos is the trademark of the violent Antifa group, so it isn’t really such a far-fetched idea, especially since non-mainstream media news outlets have been reporting about such a possibility for weeks. Eight months ago, in Nashville, TN, violent Antifa/BLM protesters set fire to this beautiful government building after they busted out the windows. Crowds of bystanders stood by and cheered. Curiously, Democrats didn’t seem to be bothered by their actions, because the violence was for a good cause…the death of George Floyd. Apparently stealing a national election doesn’t rise to the same level of concern for Democrats.

Read more:


Scarborough: Facial recognition firm claims Antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol

Trump supporters say that Antifa members disguised as one of them infiltrated the protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia Antifa members to two men inside the Senate. The source provided the photo match to The Times. One has a tattoo that indicates he is a Stalinist sympathizer. Many Antifa members promote anarchy through violence and want the end of America in favor of a Stalinist-state. “No more USA at all” is a protest chant.

XRVision also has identified another man who, while not known to have Antifa links, is someone who shows up at climate and Black Lives Matter protests in the West.

Read more:


Video: Trump Supporters Stop ‘Antifa’ From Breaking Windows at Capitol

Videos taken of Trump supporters gathered at the West Front of the Capitol during Wednesday’s protest show that they stopped a person whom they believed to be an Antifa thug who was trying to break windows in the Capitol. In one of the videos, Trump supporters can be heard calling out, “Don’t break the window!” “No Antifa! No Antifa!” as several Trump supporters intervened and stopped the attack by someone dressed and acting like Antifa but with a Trump sticker on the back of their helmet. […]  A Trump supporter wearing a red MAGA hat grabs the ‘Antifa’ thug and forcibly shoves the thug away from the window as the crowd cheers.

Read more:

Watch the 24 second video:


Fairbanks: “We had No Weapons. We Were Peaceful. They Started Shooting At Us.” Police Attacked Protesters With Pepper Spray, Tear Gas and Clubs.

We had no weapons. We were peaceful. They started shooting at us.” Protesters at today’s event in DC.  Another protester saw the police fire tear gas on the protesters for no reason.  They also beat people with their sticks: . . .

Read more/Watch videos:


Sundance: Woman Shot Climbing Through Doorway inside Capitol Dies From Gunshot Wound

The woman is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service. Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her.  The Metropolitan Police Department says an investigation into her death continues. (read more) A woman was shot while climbing through  a doorway window in Washington DC today.  It appears from the video, a woman attempted to climb through a side-door window; she was shot from inside the hallway and fell back into a small group behind her. There were two uniformed police officers directly behind her who seemed surprised at the gunfire.

Read more/Watch videos:


O’Neil: 6 Other Times People Broke Into the U.S. Capitol

On Wednesday, protesters with a pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” rally broke through Capitol Police and breached the premises of the U.S. Capitol Building. Some of them even made it to the Capitol Rotunda and the Senate Floor. The U.S. Capitol has survived many invasions in the past, and it will endure through this one, as well. 1. The War of 1812 Not long after construction ended on the U.S. Capitol’s two wings in 1811, the British Army invaded Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812. British troops partially burned the Capitol on August 24, 1814. Reconstruction took about four years. 2. A bomb in the Senate

On July 2, 1915, before the U.S. entered World War I, German professor Eric Muenter exploded a bomb in the reception room of the U.S. Senate, aiming to stop American support of the Allies. The next morning, Muenter tried to assassinate J.P. Morgan, Jr., son of the financier, whose company served as Great Britain’s principal U.S. purchasing agent for munitions. He committed suicide a few days later. Ironically, Muenter’s terrorism only enflamed America’s war fever against the Germans. 3. . . .

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The Hill tweet: JUST IN: Rep. Matt Gaetz gives House floor speech that earns him boos and applause: “I’m sure glad that at least for one day, I didn’t hear my Democrat colleagues calling to defund the police!”

Watch the 2:03 minute video:


Independent journalist Kyle Becker tweeted Rep. Jim Jordon speech on House floor: We are the final check and balance. The authority rests with us, the United States Congress, the body closest to the American people — right where the Founders wanted it.” “We should do our duty.” Jim Jordan gets standing ovation after rousing speech at Electoral College: . . .

Watch the 2:18 minute video:


Billingsley: Vice President Pence Declines to Stop the Steal

It was his “considered judgment,” Pence wrote in a letter, “that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not.” Objections would be registered and evidence heard, but “elected representatives of the American people will make their decision.”

Read more:


The Hill Staff: READ: Pence’s letter to Congress saying he won’t reject election result

Read more:


Steve Bannon interviews John Eastman Constitutional Attorney regarding V.P. Mike Pence’s letter in which Pence says he lacks authority to decide election

In his letter, V.P. Pence describes his responsibilities as large ceremonial. Attorney Eastman disagrees.

Start the audio at the 41:47 minute mark:


Hoft: Pence Betrayed General Flynn in 2017 and Today He Betrayed President Trump and America

Earlier today we said Vice President Mike Pence would end the day in history branded as a hero or a traitor to his country.  We now know that answer. This afternoon while the President was speaking to a million patriots in the Capital, VP Pence released his memo explaining why he was overlooking the corruption and election fraud which ended up stealing the election from President Trump, his boss, and the American people: . . .[…]  Pence was given the opportunity to lead the country during the China coronavirus crisis.  How did this go America?  Are there any freedoms Pence and corrupt politicians did not infringe upon?  Pence and Dr Fauci have been leading America off a cliff ever since: . . .

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Hoft: Mike Pence Sends Out Donations Plea to Help Him “Stand with Trump” — As He Stabs Trump Over Stolen Election

President Trump on Wednesday during his speech in DC repeatedly called on Vice President Mike Pence to due his duty and defer the certification of Biden votes in contested states back to the state legislatures. Pence folded like a lawn chair. But before he shafted  Trump Pence sent out a desperate donation plea to “Stand with Trump” as he stabbed Trump in the back over the stolen election.

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C-SPAN: Senator Mitch McConnell Full Remarks on Electoral College

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: “We cannot simply declare ourselves a national board of elections on steroids. The voters, the courts and the states have all spoken…If we overrule them it will damage our Republic forever…If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral.”

Watch the 8 minute video:


Trejo: RINO: Sen. Marsha Blackburn Changes Decision to Challenge Electoral College Certification

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) spit in the faces of her constituents on Wednesday when she decided to change her initial decision to challenge the certification of the electoral college. Blackburn had previously signed onto the letter spearheaded by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and 10 other senators to challenge the dubious electoral college results, according to Big League Politics: . . .

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NBC News: Congress Confirms Biden And Harris Electoral College Win | NBC News

Watch the 2:40 minute video:


Nitzberg: Democrats sign letter urging Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment

Nineteen Democratic lawmakers signed on to a letter on Wednesday urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in order to remove President Trump from office. “For the sake of our democracy, we emphatically urge you to invoke the 25th Amendment and begin the process of removing President Trump from power,” the letter says. “President Trump has shown time and again that he is unwilling to protect our Democracy and carry out the duties of the office.”

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Nitzberg & Ballasy: After a day of violence and historic objections, Congress formally certifies Biden’s win

The House and Senate reconvened in a joint session and formally certified Biden’s win early on Thursday

More than half of House Republicans and just a few GOP senators voted to object to Biden’s wins in Arizona and Pennsylvania before Congress secured the votes to approve the electors around 3:30am. The Senate rejected the Arizona challenge by a 93-6 vote while the House vote was 303-121, with greater than half of the GOP House conference seeking to reject the state’s electoral slate.

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Tucker Carlson: “What happened today will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of your rights…”

Tucker Carlson’s insight into what has been going on in America and how it led up to the rally in DC today is spot on.

Watch the 7 minute monologue:


Lifson: Biden’s pick of Merrick Garland for AG is a clever maneuver to name and quickly confirm a hard leftist to SCOTUS

Merrick Garland was anointed as a martyr by the left/media combine when Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans blocked his appointment to the Supreme Court in the last year of the Obama administration. One might, therefore, assume that he would be Joe Biden’s choice for a seat on the highest court if and when a vacancy becomes available to fill. It takes no imagination at all to conjure up the sort of rhetoric (“righting a historic wrong”) that could be used to buffalo Republican opposition into silence, if not assent. But the people telling Biden what to do are smarter and more devious than that, and they want someone far more radical taking the next seat on the SCOTUS bench.

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Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): Today, Rep. Omar announced articles of impeachment against Donald Trump.  Full statement below.




Buskirk: It’s Time For Mitch To Go

f the GOP wants to win again, they’ll reject McConnell and find younger leadership that is ready to build a new party to serve the middle class, not the ruling class. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who currently holds what I suppose we now call the Office of the Outgoing Senate Majority Leader, has to go. He’s a man unsuited for the times. The results prove it. It is McConnell who has been the architect of Republican defeat in the Senate. Heading into the 2016 election, there were 54 Republican senators. After the election there were 52. Then, in 2018, McConnell backed the disastrous candidacy of Martha McSally for an open seat in Arizona. It was McConnell who picked her and crowded out other viable candidates. That year McSally lost by 2.4 percentage points to Kyrsten Sinema while, at the same time, Republican Doug Ducey cruised to a nearly 15-point win as Arizona’s governor.  Voters didn’t reject Republicans as such; they rejected McSally. McConnell then lobbied for McSally to be appointed to the seat vacated by John McCain, setting up another McSally defeat at the hands of Mark Kelly in November. Again, she trailed the Republican at the top of ticket, underperforming Donald Trump. And once again, it was McConnell’s doing. In Arizona he helped engineer the loss of two Republican senate seats in two years by handpicking a candidate Arizonans didn’t want.

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Solomon: How the GOP lost control of Washington, and what comes next

News Analysis: Democrats owned the narrative and rules of the 2020 election. Will Republicans learn from it? Now that Democrats are poised to control the White House, Senate and House, the traditional game of finger-pointing and recrimination will begin inside the GOP. The first instinct for politicians will be to assign blame, call names and jockey for position. But the 2020 election wasn’t just an election, it was a political watershed in which the rules and strategy for winning were rewritten. The November election (and Tuesday’s Georgia curtain call) wasn’t won and lost by the tactics, spending, individual players and messaging in the weeks before Nov. 3, according to interviews conducted with more than three dozen frontline players. Rather, its outcome was cemented long before Labor Day 2020 by a Democratic machinery of former Barack Obama proteges, like David Plouffe, John Podesta, David Axelrod and Stacy Abrams, who worried far less about the tactics of ads, travel (Joe Biden hardly did!) and fundraising and far more about the strategy of how to control the narrative and the rules that would shape the outcome. They even told the Republicans and the public what they planned to do. Just read Plouffe’s book, “A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump.” They even boastfully predicted days before how the vote count would roll out on election night and for several days later. Trump would lead early, and Biden would surpass late, they said. They were right. Why?

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Slaughter: Conservatives, remember who you are

I’m disgusted that it’s taken breaking into the Capitol for the Democrats to see what we’re capable of. It’s sickening that conservatives have allowed ourselves to be so complacent and quiet for so long that all of a sudden we jump to the extreme of violence to show how we feel. I’m proud that people are finally standing up for truth, but refuse to condone the violence they’re causing, the very violence we condemn Democrats for. Despite my conflicting emotions, I am and always will be, a conservative. I will always stand for what is right, defend the truth to the death if necessary, and fight for the rights guaranteed to Americans- both born and unborn, in the Constitution. I will not bend, break, or falter in my beliefs or allow the Left to brainwash me into something I’m not. Intimidation tactics and fear will not prevail. I have seen so many posts today saying how disappointed people are in conservatives or how it’s a sad day to be a Republican. I’m disappointed that people have taken the protest too far, and I’m disappointed we haven’t stood up to the government before this, but I’m not going to attack the conservative movement as a whole, we are stronger than that.

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Cleta Mitchell is the top political and non-profit lawyer on the right. For quite a few years, she has been a partner in Foley & Lardner, a major national law firm that originated in Milwaukee. In recent years, she has been attacked and lied about repeatedly by the Left. This reached a crescendo over the last few days, following the leaked telephone conversation between President Trump and Georgia’s Secretary of State, in which she was participated on behalf of the president. The Left mounted a vicious campaign against Cleta, her law firm and her firm’s clients, not accusing her of any wrongdoing other than having the temerity to give advice to the President of the United States. Yesterday, in an email to clients and friends, Cleta announced her departure from Foley & Lardner. I am reproducing the email with her permission: . . . […] . . . the extent to which the far Left has been successful in banning conservatives from mainstream businesses and institutions is chilling. One can contrast Cleta Mitchell’s situation with that of Marc Elias, a partner in the Perkins Coie law firm, originally from Seattle. Perkins Coie is comparable to Foley & Lardner in size and stature. Elias is the Democrats’ top election lawyer, and he has played a controversial role in his representations of the Democratic National Committee and Democratic campaigns. In particular, it was Elias and Perkins Coie who laundered money from the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, falsely recording it as legal expenses in FEC filings when in fact the money was used by Elias to hire the disreputable opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which in turn paid Christopher Steele to fabricate the Russia collusion hoax. Here, Elias played the role of a bagman  . . .

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Whitmer Mocks Christians With Stacey Abrams Prayer Candle: ‘Offensive As Hell’

The tweet sparked thousands of reactions, including from Christians highlighting Whitmer’s apparent fervent faith of Leftism and seeming mockery of Christians, particularly Catholics who often use prayer candles.

“Good morning!” Whitmer captioned the post. “This from the group that voted God out of their party a decade ago…,” noted activist JT Lewis.

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Fairbanks: BREAKING: Defense Sec Says He Discussed Deploying National Guard With Pelosi and Pence — NOT President Trump

It is being reported that Pence was the one who ultimately activated the National Guard, not President Trump. […]  White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, however, has said that President Trump made the decision.

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National Pulse Staff Writer: BREAKING: Rep. Vernon Jones Defects From Democrat To Republican Party

The announcement came during a speech on stage at the Ellipse outside the White House in Washington, D.C.

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Lt. Col. Grossman: Masks Can Be Murder

Wearing masks can create a sense of anonymity for an aggressor, while also dehumanizing the victim. This prevents empathy, empowering violence, and murder. So that you know my bona fides, I wrote the book On Killing and created a new field of scholarly endeavor known as “killology” to understand and reduce violence in our society. Criminology is not about teaching people to be criminals, and killology is not about teaching people to kill. It is about understanding the factors that empower and restrain killing in our society. […]  Every time one person interacts with another there is a “friction point” adding up to billions of friction points every day. An amazing array of social, physical, psychological, and physiological factors provide a “lubricant” for each of these friction points, to prevent physical violence and murder.

Masks are like a handful of sand in an automobile engine, increasing the “friction” at . . . Every. Single. One. Of these billions of daily contact points. We understand that people will say things online that they would never say face-to-face. Masks create a similar sense of anonymity for the aggressor, empowering interpersonal violence, and hostility across our nation.

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It is still a great idea to keep a Journal!!!!


Cross ref


National guard WI

National guard WI


Wisconsin National Guard was called up last night [Monday] and sent to Kenosha WI..     This is NOT a good sign…


Not sure what this means BUT!!!    Stay alert where ever you are and especially in S.E. WIS.




BTW tomorrow WEDNESDAY is the 6th and we shall see what Congress makes of the Electoral College vote.



It is still a great idea to keep a Journal!!!!


Cross ref


Congress/Electoral vote

Congress/Electoral vote  2 days till Congress meets to decide on the Electoral vote.


At this point there are several Senators and Reps who have said they plan to challenge the results. THIS IS totally within the rules of the US Constitution – just most of us have not heard of or cared enough to pay attention to how a Constitutional Republic [which is what these United States of America IS, we are not and never have been a democracy ] actually there are still LEGAL gambits left in the process…. We just need to ride this out for a few more weeks.


Regardless of who is sworn in on Jan 20th – a good share of our citizens will be happy AND a good share will be sad.  And some will just not care either way.


Things to do on Monday or Tuesday of this week prior to Congress meeting on the 6th.


Get last minute stuff as if there were a blizzard happening on Wednesday,


Top off your vehicle fuel tanks – should always drive on the top 1/3 of the tank anyway.

Get last minute milk, bread and other perishables – and any canned goods you still need.

Review your family communication plans and make sure ALL of your devices are charged AND that you have a way to charge things if the grid goes down.

Do whatever you do for a winter storm.


It is still a great idea to keep a Journal!!!!


Cross ref