Category Archives: MEDICAL / HEALTH

All things medical or health related. What supplies you need to have on hand, Rx & OTC medications, first aid and treatment \stuff\ preventative, training and herbs generally belong here. Although herbs could also be under food.

Water treatment Hypochlorite

Water treatment Hypochlorite

Some friends and I recently had a conversation on using bleach for cleaning and water treatment [disinfection].

There ARE some concerns with having bleach on hand especially long term. Some of the concerns include leaking of bleach on the floor and destroying it. It is also concerning what other chemicals which could be near the bleach, some which seem innocent as they are both for cleaning include Ammonia which when combined will release a deadly poison gas – to bring this issue a little closer to home for you is the following story. A friend and I were talking one night at work about organ harvesting for transplant. Her first case was a young new mom who was home alone with her newborn. Her spouse was gone to work and she was doing laundry and trying to be environmentally friendly using cloth diapers. Her spouse got home in the morning there was a foul odor in the house and the baby was crying in the crib. He found the new mom in the laundry DEAD and called the fire department. Long story short there were 2 bottles open and tipped over on the floor – one was bleach and the other was ammonia and that is what killed her.

The other stuff discussed to segregate from bleach is brake fluid [and transmission fluid ect] will react with bleach [especially the tablets] and start fires.

Next topic was ref – Bleach loses it’s potency in about three months once it is opened. So the storage live span… Does bleach degrade with time? Yup IF it is not sealed tightly enough it will off gas and become ineffective, BUT that takes a long time and as long as there is a strong odor to the bleach it will still work even if it takes longer to react.

We discussed using the pool shock / chlorine tablets – while this will work you have to break them down to a more usable size and then you have the issue of dosages. It was suggested to get the single use tablets which are smaller and can be found in the laundry isle at Walmart ect. One tablet makes one gallon of bleach. I think that would be a viable idea. One of the group already does this to cut down on storage space and also to rotate her stock she makes it a gallon at a time.

Calcium Hypochlorite and Sodium Hypochlorate will disinfect water and clean stuff.. Both can be had in liquid or solid. Both should be stored in a ventilated area with a safe surface [tile, cement plastic] .

Of the normal 5.25 to 6% Hypocholate normal use to disinfect [what many people misstate as PURIFY] water is 2 to 4 drops to 1 L of water shack it well to mix [let some come out onto the threads of the bottle] tighten the cap and let stand for at least 30 minutes [longer if cold] open and if you can still smell chlorine it is most likely to be safe to consume… IF not repeat the process.

We also discussed another alternative to bleach– You could get a special device a” Miox Water Purifier” list price on Amazon today was $210.00…. and it will produce endless amounts of safe water for you…… you can get a LOT of bleach or pool stuff to treat water for that price. OR you can get pool salt at Walmart [last night there was 40Lbs bags on clearance for $1.00] or where ever — and MAKE your own bleach to treat water…

How can you make your own bleach for cleaning and disinfecting water? You may well ask! ;]

You will need some pool or plain table salt , a plastic container, plain clear water, one each SS fork and spoon, a 12 Volt power source which can be a car battery, battery charger, 2 6V lantern batteries ect. And a plastic bottle of some kind to store the resultant bleach. BTW you could use raw sea water if near or on the ocean.

Into the plastic container mix the water and salt -it is OK if not all the salt dissolves fact is it may be better if it does not as that way you know that you have enough for the complete reaction with the water. Next connect the power leads to the ends of the fork and spoon – place those into the salt water on opposing sides so they do NOT touch each other. Connect the power. You will soon see bubbles on the eating tools and shortly after that you will smell chlorine. Around an hour later you should have a strong enough sodium hypochlorite solution to be of use. It may take longer OR shorter to do this you will have to experiment. Altitude and temperature can effect the process.

Slowly decant the solution into the plastic bottle [which should be VERY clearly labeled as bleach] and cap snugly. This solution will store for a long time.



Blog on Skullcap
Only American not Chinese

Scientific Name:
The Scientific name for the plant that has been researched for medicinal usages is Scutellaria lateriflora. There is the Western Skullcap which is Scuttelaria canescens, the Southern Skullcap is Scutellaria cordifolia, or Marsh Skullcap is Scutellaria galericulatum. These have not been researched like Scutellaria lateriflora so if you order seeds or plants order from a reputable company (see liver damage below).

Common Names:
Some of the common names of Skullcap are: mad dog, mad dog weed, helmet flower, quaker bonnet, hoodwort and blue pimpernel.

Do not take while pregnant or nursing may cause miscarriage. There was a time in the North America that skullcap was contaminated with germander (a group of plants that may cause liver damage), because of that skullcap still may cause liver damage. And do not take if you already have liver damage. Do not take if already taking: anticonvulsants, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines, drugs to treat insomnia, tricyclic antidepressants or drink alcohol. Overdose causes giddiness, stupor, confusion and twitching. This herb will be toxic in large doses. Herbs have been used for centuries for healing the body, but keep in mind that they can cause allergic reactions and how they interact with other supplements or medication may not be known. So consult your doctor before using it.

Ways to Use:
The ways you can use the herb is: as a tea, as a tincture, in a capsule and as a liquid extract.

The Cherokee and other Native Americans used Skullcap to maintain good health in the female reproductive system and to promote menstruation. Some tribes would use it ceremonially to help bring girls into womanhood. The Iroquois use it to keep the throat clear and healthy and it was used to induce visions as a ceremonial plant to be smoked.

In the 1812 Dr. James Thacher, a surgeon during the Revolutionary War issued a book titled “Observations on Hydrophobia, produced by the bite of a mad dog or other rabid animal, with an examination of the various theories and methods of cure existing at the present day, and an inquiry into the merit of Specific Remedies. Also a Method of Treatment best adapted to the Brute Creation.”

In 1814 it was studied to prevent rabies in humans and animals. It was reported that using skullcap to prevent and treat rabies, in both humans and animals, prevented about 4,000 people and 1,000 cattle from being infected after being bitten by rabid dogs.

A detailed paper by Lyman Spaulding, MD was published in 1819 before the New York Historical Society on the “History and Use of Scutellaria Lateriflora in Hydrophobia”.

Medicinal properties include anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, increases menstrual flow, slightly astringent, nervine, sedative and strongly tonic.

Skullcap has been found useful in treating many nervous conditions such as anxiety, hysteria, epilepsy, delirium tremors and panic attacks.

It has also been found useful in treating the symptoms of withdrawal from barbiturates and tranquilizers.

Medicinal infusions of this herb have been used to promote menstruation.

An infusion of skullcap may also be helpful in treating throat infections and, due to its antispasmodic and sedative effects. It is also used for treating headaches from stress, neuralgia, and from incessant coughing.

This herb can also be used to induce sleep naturally without the negative effects of many prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids. It also helps with restlessness, clinching the jaw and muscle tension that can cause sleeplessness.

Skullcap is gaining some recognition as an alternative treatment for attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD).

This plant is sometimes used to treat the symptoms associated with anorexia nervosa, fibromyalgia and even Tourette’s syndrome.

Skullcap is also used as an herbal treatment for asthma and as a hiccup and hangover remedy.

The recommended dosage for adults is 1 to 2 grams of the dried herb, 2 to 3 cups of tea or 2 to 5 mL of the liquid extract three times daily.

To make a medicinal tea try adding one pint of boiling water to 1 oz. of the dried herb and steep for 10 minutes. This can be served in half cup serving every few hours.

To make a tincture you need a ½ pint jar, ½ cup of dried skullcap leaves and 100 proof vodka to fill the jar. It is not recommended that you give this tincture to young children because of the alcohol that is in it. Fill the jar with the ½ cup of dried skullcap leaves and then fill the rest of the jar with the vodka. Stir to make sure that it is blended well and put the lid on. Place the label on the jar with the name of the contents and the date that you prepared it. During the 1st week open, stir daily and put lid back on. For the next 5 weeks shake the jar once or twice a day. After the 6 weeks are up strain the leaves out using cheesecloth or coffee filter. At this time you can either pour the contents back into the jar or put into smaller jars with eye droppers as this is how you will measure it out to take it. Start slowly to make sure you have positive effects. You can dilute in warm water if desired.

This herb is a perennial plant and is native to North America. It prefers light shade to full sun and wet to moist soil with lots of organic matter.

Plant Description:
Skullcap grows to a height of 6-18 inches tall and has hairy light green to reddish green square stem with occasional branches. The leaves are opposite, heart shaped at the base, ½ to 2 ½ inches long and scalloped to coarsely serrated around the edges. The blue to lavender flowers are hooded, tube-shaped and two lipped. The upper lip forms a hood and the lower lip has two lobes. The plant blooms from May to August and the flowers are replaced by a two chamber seed pod containing four seeds. The root system consists of a taproot and rhizomes.

What Part of Plant Used:
The flowers and leaves are used for medicinal purposes and are collected during the summer when the plant is in bloom. The plant can be dried for later use.

Fukashima 2018

Fukashima Japan incident was 2011, March 11th 7 years ago.

At the time I said that it needed to be watched as it would effect us locally at some point, which it has. Several people locally told me that I was just being a fear monger and NOTHING bad would happen.

WELL, the reactors continue to spew radioactive materials into the air and seas. Wild life have been showing up near Hawaii, Alaska and the US west coast with mutations as has land plants near the site.

So, how does this effect us here in Wyoming? We are down wide via the jet stream from Japan, particles filter out as it drifts and lands on our soil just like it did when we bombed them in WWII.

Anyone who eats sea food from the Pacific ocean is getting some amount of radiation which is in the plants [seaweed for example] that are used to amend your garden soil, as food for livestock and people too along with use as medications / supplements. As little fish eat the plants the radiation levels accumulate and gets into the bigger fish that eat the smaller fish and at the top of the food chain in the sea is tuna and sward fish and then we eat them. As for me, I wont buy stuff from the pacific anymore. I will buy stuff harvested from the Atlantic.

FLU again

Flu again…..

The FLU is back in the news again. It is SO bad this year, the flu is the worst EVER… and for those who get it, it IS no fun at all and for those who die from it and their families the statistics are of no concern because stats NEVER are of interest to that group and rightly so. When young or very old die it does sound bad when 5 or 20 die and the news hypes it is on everyone’s mind. For the rest of us shall we look at some of the real statistics.

Depending on how you count in a NORMAL year the average number of deaths due to the flu runs about 30,000 people in these US of A.. Some want to split hairs and say it was pneumonia which often starts as the flu. [IF you have other stats go with those if you want] The important part is the mechanism that causes many of those deaths.

Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is the basic causal agent. Then you get run down and other bugs attack you. If you don’t feel good you wont drink enough water and other fluids and you wont eat properly to keep up your strength. Some people swear by the flu vaccine…. others swear AT the flu vaccine and those who administer it. Some stats that I have seen are that the flu shot is only 10 – 25 % effective. [beats me if that is correct AND if it works for you or it does not the stats do not really matter – see above]

Obviously this article as with everything else you read here is to spark discussion between you and those who you have a professional relationship with.

Sanitation and proper hand washing is the major prevention issue.

Most Americans do not drink enough water and fluids in general. What we have found to work well for us follows.
Re-Hydration drink

This is about the best all-around recipe for Re-Hydration drink—- this replaces Pedilyte and Gatorade / sports drinks, a lot cheaper too.
Mix as follows and you can pre-mix into unit dose packets for use while you are on the move.
In a 1 L container mix the following
1/2 teaspoon salt substitute �KCl aka �NU-salt�
1 pinch Epson salt MaSo4
2 tablespoon sugar [omit to use in Jell-O or instant potatoes]
Kool-aid to taste    [omit to use in Jell-O or instant potatoes]
Chill and serve —
BTW, Kool-aid comes in a colorless version too for when the person is vomiting. .
It is always better to prevent de-hydration by drinking water. How much should you drink a day? It is NOT the oft repeated 8, 8 ounce glasses.  For the basic amount take your weight in pounds and divide by 2 = the number of ounces you should drink a day. This amount assumes that you are sitting at a desk. The best way to know that you are drinking enough is to check your urine. Normal healthy urine is clear to straw color with no odor. In babies we like to see 8-12 wet diapers a day. Most adults should do the same � ahhh EXCEPT hopefully without diapers.
Are there other recipes? Yup, just like IVs you can mix this to replace electrolytes that lab work shows are missing.

Medical Kidnapping

Medical Kidnapping

Each of us can choose to seek medical advice from who ever we want AND to reject advice when we do not agree with any advice put forward – especially if it comes from someone that we did not seek out. Children who are and should be in the custody of their parents are dependent on the parents to make the decisions ‘for them’ . Babies do not get any say in what happens because they are not capable of making an informed decision. Generally speaking between about 8 years old and 18 they should have increasing say in what happens with them.

ALL patients have a right to give INFORMED consent OR reject treatment after being informed, this includes research or experimental treatments.

There are exceptions to this for mental illness or defect. Also a parent who sees fit to hit kids with a closed fist, choke or to kick while wearing boots forfeits any claim on those kids [BUT they are still obligated to provide for the kids] – The STATE does have a place to protect citizens rights and persons.

I think that we can all concur with with this so far – RIGHT?

Facilitating experimentation upon anyone without that persons INFORMED consent is flat out wrongdoing on the state and hospital’s part.

If you have kids or plan to have them or if you used to be a kid, I would recommend that you research the topic of medical kidnapping and what you can do to prevent it.

In general kidnapping is a crime that we all should be concerned about but it is worse when perpetrated by the government.

Some points to ponder – if it can happen to the people as in the following story, what is to stop it from happening to you or your family? What are the issues if someone dies because of this situation? How do we get the word out on this?

Over the years that I have been in healthcare I have seen many cases of medical kidnapping and have spoken out against it. I have not seen cases as blatant as the one following.


Justina Pelletier and Medical Kidnapping 4 Years Later – Has Anything Changed?

[Pictures removed so that the page will load faster..]
Health Impact News
It has been more than 4 years since the most infamous case of medical kidnapping in the United States occurred when the state of Massachusetts, together with Boston Children’s Hospital, seized custody of then 14-year-old Justina Pelletier over a medical disagreement.
The story exploded across mainstream and international media after her father Lou Pelletier courageously defied an unconstitutional gag order and risked prison to tell his family’s story. With heavy hitters in the national media like Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee and Dr. Phil giving them exposure, as well as an army of advocates by their side, it still took 16 months to get their daughter home.
Read past stories about Justina Pelletier.
Justina, to this day, still suffers physical, mental, and emotional trauma from all that happened to her during her captivity.

At the time, most of the public thought this story was an anomaly – an egregious abuse of power by an out-of-control hospital and bureaucracy that was stunning in its tyrannical reach, but still the exception to the rule.
Few ever dreamed in their wildest nightmare that this was common, everyday practice all over the United States and other countries. Silence and shame surrounded the families to which this kind of thing happened, and it may well be that the explosion of stories that have come out in the years since then may be attributed to Lou Pelletier’s boldness in speaking out, opening the floodgates for others to come out of the shadows and speak up.
What have we learned since then? Has anything changed?

Unfortunately, although we have learned a great deal about what goes on behind closed doors in hospitals, Child Protective Service agencies, and family courts, precious little has changed since then.
“Justina’s Law” Under Consideration, Public Invited to Write to Legislative Committee
Currently, the Massachusetts legislature has the opportunity to consider a bill that would prevent parents from being charged with abuse or neglect for following the advice of a different licensed medical or mental health provider.  The bill, however, falls short of protecting those parents seeking more holistic or alternative forms of treatment if the practitioner they choose is unlicensed.

An earlier version of the bill submitted in 2015 failed to gain traction. Perhaps this time legislators will take more interest in the common sense measure which would secure the right (which parents have always believed they had already) to seek a second medical opinion and to direct the medical care and treatment of their children.
HB900, known as “Justina’s Law,” is before the Joint Judiciary committee. HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) has stated that they are in support of the bill. The text of the bill reads:
Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 119 be amended to add the following new section 51I:
51I: (a) A parent or legal guardian shall not be charged with abusing or neglecting a child’s need for medical care if:
(i) the parent or legal guardian has sought medical care for the child from a licensed medical or mental health provider;
(ii) the licensed medical or mental health provider has made a diagnosis;
(iii) the licensed medical or mental health provider has prescribed a lawful course of treatment; and
(iv) the parent or legal guardian is following or willing to follow the recommended course of treatment.
(b) No mandatory reporter, as defined in Section 21 of this Chapter, shall file a report of abuse or neglect under Section 51 of this Chapter based solely on a parent’s or legal guardian’s decision to follow the recommended treatment of a licensed medical or mental health provider. A parent or legal guardian has the right to follow the advice and treatment plan of a licensed medical or mental health provider over a contrary opinion or recommended treatment plan of another licensed medical or mental health provider when the decision does not involve immediate life-threatening conditions. Even in the case of life-threatening conditions, the decision of the parent or legal guardian to follow the advice or treatment plan of a licensed medical or mental health provider shall not be overridden unless there is clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.

Wards of the State Used as Medical Guinea Pigs
When Justina Pelletier’s story came to light, the world learned the horrifying reality that children who are wards of the state, including foster children, may legally be used in the United States as medical lab rats or guinea pigs in drug trials and medical research without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
We learned that Boston Children’s Hospital and other hospitals around the country engage in this type of practice that would ordinarily be thought of as something only the Nazis during WWII would have done.

A 2014 article by Matt Barber at WND exposed the written policy of Boston Children’s Hospital that:
“Children who are Wards of the State may be included in research that presents greater than minimal risk with no prospect of direct benefit.”

On page two of the policy, BCH defines “Ward” to include “foster children, or any child under the control of [DCF – Department of Children and Families] in the state of Massachusetts.”
It works like this: Boston Children’s Hospital needs guinea pigs and the Massachusetts DCF provides them.

Using children for medical research, obviously, is not something that the hospital presents to the public.

On their website, President and CEO of Boston Children’s Hospital Sandra L. Fenwick boasts:
We are grateful to have been ranked #1 on U.S. News & World Report’s list of the best children’s hospitals in the nation for the third year in a row, an honor we could not have achieved without the patients and families who inspire us to do our very best for them. Thanks to you, Boston Children’s is a place where we can write the greatest children’s stories ever told.

The story that too many parents tell is that the hospital is responsible for the DCF seizure of over 400 children per year from their families, more than 1 a day. We learned that locals have dubbed Boston Children’s Hospital as “the home of the parentectomy.”
Boston Children’s Hospital is not alone. Children’s Hospitals and other hospitals across the nation regularly funnel children into Child Protective Services for the lucrative foster care and adoption industry and medical research.

Health Impact News did their own investigation into using children for medical research and the link to child social services removing children from parents’ custody in order to conduct these drug trials, and we found that this is not only common practice but legal in the United States.
Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials

An elderly veteran recently told us that he sometimes hears doctors and nurses speaking in the halls of hospitals, apparently thinking no one is paying attention, saying that they “think it is time for a parentectomy” and making plans to call Child Protective Services. A former Children’s Hospital chaplain told us that he saw his hospital take children away from innocent parents on a regular basis.

***A federal version of “Justina’s Law” was introduced by Representative Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota and other lawmakers in 2014.  That bill would have prohibited federal funding for medical research on wards of the state. That bill went virtually unnoticed by the majority of federal lawmakers.***

Medical Kidnapping of Children in the U.S. is an Epidemic
Since starting the Medical Kidnap division of Health Impact News two and a half years ago in October 2014, we have exposed hundreds of stories of families whose children have been taken over medical disagreements or seeking a second doctor’s opinion.
For every story that we publish, there are dozens more that don’t reach publication.
The sheer volume of stories that we receive on a daily basis demonstrates that the problem is much more widespread than most people have realized.

We have worked with families from California to North Carolina, from Michigan to Texas, and everywhere in between, and some common themes have emerged.

There are certainly states where there seems to be more corruption than others, but there are problems with medical and governmental overreach in all 50 states.

Here are some patterns that we have discovered that are common to many of the families we have interviewed:

1. Parents can take their child to their pediatrician or Children’s Hospital for a relatively minor injury or problem, and end up losing their children to the state.
They are blindsided by the events that follow their child being seen by a doctor.
Child Abuse Specialists, employed by many Children’s Hospitals, often tend to “find” abuse where there is none. They are not adequately trained in fields such as neurology and orthopedics, and frequently fail to do differential diagnoses to discover if there is a medical reason for the child’s injuries.
Child Abuse Specialists are also acting like law enforcement officials doing criminal investigations of parents accused of abuse, but with no training in forensic evidence or criminal investigations.
Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?

2. Parents are routinely told by social workers, attorneys, and judges that “the Constitution doesn’t apply in Family Court.”

This is wrong. The Constitution applies to all American citizens.

However, its principles, such as due process and freedom of speech, are frequently ignored within the system.
Lou Pelletier was threatened with jail time for “violating a gag order.” If the parents have the money and ability to appeal to higher courts, the higher courts tend to support the Constitution, but most families do not ever make it to those courts.
 Family Court Judges’ Unconstitutional Gag Orders On Parents

3. Innocent parents tend to talk freely to social workers and law enforcement, knowing that they have done nothing wrong. They often do not insist upon a warrant or court order for social workers to enter their homes (as secured by the 4th Amendment) because they feel that they have nothing to hide.
They do not realize that the officials they have allowed into their home usually have an agenda, and that agenda is about seizing their child, not about the truth. [*** there is big money for them to do this]

4. Social workers, both in Child Protective Services and in hospitals, routinely deceive courts and parents in their efforts to seize children away from parents.
Our Medical Kidnap reporters see evidence on a daily basis of lies and deception by social workers about the families in our articles. In a landmark case out of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in January 2017, federal judges struck down social workers’ “Right to Lie” appeal.

See:Judges Reject Claim That Social Workers Didn’t Know Lying In Court to Remove Children Was Wrong

Social worker whistleblowers have told us that a good social worker does not last in the system and that the system is all about protecting itself, and not children.

LA County DCFS Whistleblower Reveals how Parents are Losing Their Children to a Corrupt System
Former LA County Social Worker Reveals Corruption in Child “Protection” Services
Whistleblower in LA County DCFS Reveals Corruption in Child Kidnapping
California Attorney Shawn McMillan on Why He Fights CPS: “They’re Stealing Kids”

5. Judges frequently never see exonerating evidence held by the parents in these cases.
Sometimes the court-appointed attorneys fail to present such evidence. Other times, judges take the word of CPS attorneys and social workers when they object to such evidence being presented.
Frequently, parents have reports from 8 to 12 medical experts, with experts waiting in the wings to testify on their behalf, only to find that the judge will only hear the testimony of the Child Abuse Specialists who accused the parents in the first place.
There is often clear medical evidence that the child has a true medical condition, but the only testimony allowed to be heard is that of the doctor labeling the injuries as abuse – the same doctor who failed to uphold their medical responsibility of testing for other causes before diagnosing abuse.

6. Transparency is virtually non-existent in family courts.
Whereas accused murderers and rapists have the benefit of checks and balances to ensure the integrity of their criminal trials, parents may be given the family court equivalent of a death sentence – termination of parental rights – with nothing that ensures the integrity of the process.
In most states, any facade of accountability amounts to the foxes guarding the henhouse, while corrupt officials veil their misdeeds behind a cloak of “confidentiality” – laws which are twisted to protect the guilty, not the innocent.

7. Children are more likely to be abused in foster care than in their own homes.
In fact, they are at least 6 times more likely to be abused, raped, molested, or killed in foster care than if they had been left in their own homes.
Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business
Foster Homes: Where Good Kids Go To Die

8. Actual evidence of wrongdoing by parents is not required in many family courts, and in many states, hearsay is legally permissible as evidence.
This hearsay sometimes comes from social workers who may not be telling the truth, and even from disgruntled family members or neighbors. Children are ripped from their families and adopted out to strangers without there being any real proof that the parents have done anything wrong. [*** ON the other hand there are many cases of actual abuse that the courts do not bother to look into]

Where Do We Go From Here?
Three years ago, most of the public was largely unaware that medical kidnapping existed. Justina Pelletier’s story was the first to begin the public exposure of the dark underbelly of the Child Protective System and the collusion with hospitals around the country.
When we began publishing stories of similar nightmares experienced by other families, the primary comment was – “There must be more to the story.”
Now, there is a great deal more awareness that this kind of thing can, and does, happen, and we don’t hear that comment nearly so much. Thanks to the hard work of hundreds of dedicated activists who speak out, share stories on social media, lobby legislators, write letters, and make phone calls, a growing number of the American public is aware that legal and medical kidnapping exists and is a threat to innocent families.
A few lawmakers in a handful of states have been working on legislation, such as Justina’s Law in Massachusetts. Representative Kelly Townsend in Arizona and Senator Alan Clark in Arkansas have led the charge in their states to introduce bills and amendments to bills to help protect families in their states.

There is still much to do.
Since Justina Pelletier was seized from her family over a medical disagreement, thousands of children have been taken from their families. Some have been returned home after difficult and traumatic battles. Some parents are grieving the loss of children who have been adopted out, often to complete strangers. Still, others continue in the fight of their lives for their family’s survival.

More laws need to be changed. The oppressive Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, handed to then-President Bill Clinton by Newt Gingrich’s Republican-led Congress which was signed into law and provides financial incentive from the federal government to states to take children from their homes, needs to be repealed.

The system is broken beyond repair.
Child abuse is a criminal act, and when it does actually exist, it needs to be addressed by law enforcement. In criminal court, there must be evidence of wrongdoing, not simply allegations, before the accused is punished. [***sometimes even when the abuser admits in his or her own words to have hit and kicked kids some judges are not interested in following up]

Children need their parents. It is a basic human need. Before a child’s inherent human right to a relationship with their parent is ended, there must be a compelling reason to take that away. That reason should never be a financial benefit for anyone, or supposed benefits of medical research. A child should not lose a parent unless that parent is truly harmful to the child. All other excuses simply devastate and traumatize the child further.

Justina Pelletier – 4 years later. What has changed? Not nearly enough.

For the whole story [including links and pictures] and more go to

TAGS Medical Kidnapping, kidnapping, kidnap, slavery, exploitation, sexual exploitation, human trafficking
Medical Kidnapping, kidnapping, kidnap, slavery, exploitation, sexual exploitation, human trafficking. Medical Guinea Pigs

Summer Safety

Summer Safety Primer
During heat illness, the body’s cooling system shuts down due to a
lack of water and electrolytes.
Mild symptoms of heat exhaustion include thirst, fatigue, and cramps
in the legs or abdomen. Left untreated, heat exhaustion can progress
to heat stroke. Serious heat-related symptoms include dizziness,
headaches, nausea, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, decreased alertness,
and a temperature as high as 105 F or more.
In severe cases, the liver, kidneys, and brain may be damaged due to
the lack of water and electrolytes. About 400 people die each year
from heat exposure, according to the CDC.
The risk of heat illness goes up during exertion and sports and with
certain health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart
disease. Alcohol use also increases the risk. So do medications that
slow sweat production such as antihistamines, tricyclic
antidepressants, and diuretics used to treat water retention, high
blood pressure, and some liver and kidney conditions.
People ages 65 and older and young children are especially vulnerable
to heat illness. During the summer of 2003, at least 42 children in
the United States died after being left in hot cars, according to Jan
Null, a meteorologist in San Francisco who tracks heat-related
deaths. What some people don’t realize is that the temperature inside
a car can climb much higher than temperatures outside during a sunny
day. Heat stroke in children can occur within minutes, even if a car
window is opened slightly. **The car becomes a `solar oven’ with
tempratures going over 200 degrees F.
What You Can Do
Adequate hydration is the #1 protective factor!
At #2 is proper clothing with headgear. Air conditioning is the No. 3
protective factor against heat illness. If you don’t have air
conditioning, spend time in public facilities, such as libraries and
malls that have air conditioning. Reduce strenuous activities or do
them during early mornings and evenings when it’s cooler. If you’re
outside for long stretches of time, carry a water bottle, drink
fluids regularly, and don’t push your limits. People who play sports
should wear light, loose-fitting clothes and drink WATER or sports
drinks before, during, and after activity. If you see someone
experiencing heat illness, have the person lie down in a cool place
and elevate the legs. Use water, wet towels, and fanning to help cool
the person down until emergency help comes.

The number one indicator of adequate hydration is URINATION. With
infants we are told that 10-12 wet diapers is a good thing. And
that “depends” on your age. If you are 40 years old, one would hope
that you do not need diapers [in older folks diapers are called
depends]. BUT you should be going every 2-3 hours and your urine
should be clear to straw colored and at least 90 MLs each time. If
your urine is dark, cloudy or scant you NEED to be drinking more
water. A good formula is one liter of water, ¼ teaspoon potassium
chloride [this is a salt substitute some trade names are NU-salt, NO-
salt ECT.. Available in the seasoning section with the regular table
salt –sodium chloride] a pinch of mag sulfate—Epson salt, 2
tablespoons of sugar and Kool aid to taste. Chile and serve. This
formula is rather similar to Pedialyte or Gatorade only better and
much cheaper. — Just like you learned in our first aid class.

Medications to stockpile

Medications to stockpile

Everything on this list is OTC [over the counter] so they do not need a prescription HOWEVER talk with your healthcare provider about this AND what prescription medications you should have on hand and what stock levels you need.

Motrin aka Advil generic ibuprofen generally used to treat pain, inflammation and fever. Some of the common times to use this; fever over 101F, sore throats, sinus pain, stiff neck, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gout, back pain and has been known to aid in preventing muscle tightness when taken prolifically to strenuous activity such as Donkey Basketball.

Naproxen aka Aleve works the same as Motrin and can be used interchangeably BUT not both together at same time.

Aspirin 325mg works the same as Motrin and is often used as an anticoagulant in heart patients

Tylenol aka acetaminophen generally used for fever over 101F, general aches and pains kinda like Motrin except that it does little to treat inflammation and it is ‘easier’ on the GI system than like Motrin, Naproxen.

Benadryl aka Diphenhydramine antihistamine used as a sleeping aid [Sominex, Tylenol PM] AND used for allergic reactions, sinusitis also used to potentiate [make stronger] the effects of pain medications.

Imodium aka Loperamide one of the best anti-diarrheal OTC and will help relive intestinal cramping.

Sudafed helps relieve congestion of upper and lower respiratory system [nose and lungs]

Dramamine relieves nausea, vomiting,vertigo and motion sickness. A major side effect is drowsiness, it can be used as a sleep aid also used to potentiate the effects of pain medications.

Zantac aka Ranitidine often used for stomach upset and ulcers. It is also often used for allergic reactions like Benadryl but without the sleepy effect.

Bacitracin ointment and Neosporin ointment used as a wound treatment for minor cuts, abrasions, and superficial skin infections.

Lotrimin aka Gyne-lotrimin or Clotrimazole cream. Often used to treat yeast & fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, skin folds and vaginal areas.

Hydro-cortisone cream 1% is the strongest OTC version steroid cream used to treat itchy rashes such as
poison ivy, eczema or other contact dermatitis.

Mucinex aka Guaifenesin tablets and liquid helps to loosen mucus and thin bronchial secretions to rid the airways of mucus and make coughs more productive.

Epson salts – Magnesium sulfate good for soaking your tired feet and body, used as a laxative AND as part of the re-hydration drink, lowers BP

KCl aka potassium chloride, salt substitute, no salt, Nu salt ect… component of re-hydration drink, lower BP

tums aka calcium carbonate helps with upset or sour stomach. Bone health and lowers BP

sugar, honey wound care

bleach, pool shock, salt, used for water disinfection and wound care

Betadine- wound care

Afrin besides being a nasal decongestant it helps control bleeding from the nose and other places.

cross ref

Frozen 2017

Cold injuries AKA Frozen 2017

Man freezes to death in home near Cody after snowstorm
Updated Jan 4, 2017 
Authorities say a man found dead in his home near Cody last month froze to death after a snowstorm.
The body of 69-year-old Larry Joe Sperry was found by two neighbors on Dec. 17, when the temperature was -9 degrees. They went to check on Sperry when they didn’t see any smoke coming from his chimney.
The Park County Sheriff Office says neighbors had brought Sperry extra food, water and firewood in the days before his death. They told investigators that he seemed coherent but the house was very cold. He reportedly said he planned to wait to start a fire in his woodstove, the home’s only heat source, when it got colder. The original article is at

I first heard this story on the local radio station and it got me to thinking of similar cases that I worked when I was in emergency medicine years ago.
Acute hypothermia can set in VERY fast as a few hours OR if you are wet it can hit you as fast as several minutes.
Most people think that in order to freeze to death it has to be sub zero temperatures which IS often the case. You are more likely to suffer from hypothermia when it is warming up outside and is in the 50 to mid 60s. Here in Wyoming those temperatures are warm enough that we don’t need a coat and are most likely active there could be a light breeze. As your core temperature drops you lose the ability to think rationally. Trust the people with you to spot this before you do.

There is a less well known condition “chronic hypothermia” often seen in older folks, the way this works is that it may feel warm in the house to a younger healthy person but the older person is losing body heat faster than they can regenerate it… at first they appear “normal” yet they are slowly slipping toward death. At some point they tip over the edge of no return. Once the person hits that they are going to die unless someone intervenes and actively rewarms them.

From the limited amount of information available in the news reports is sounds as IF this may have contributed to this man’s death.

How to prevent hypothermia, dress for the conditions to include a hat as you lose 25 -30% of your body heat from your head. Dress in layers BUT avoid over heating as being wet makes you lose heat faster. Stay fueled – eat right – so that your body can generate body heat. Here is the hard part – stay well hydrated… drink more water.

Most likely you will not feel thirsty and you do need more than you think. See fluid / re-hydration drink links..

today the high was 4 degrees F and as I type this it is already -10 degrees F and projected to be colder than -20 degrees F tonight.

stay safe and warm.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle aka Great stinging Nettle, Common Nettle

Genus: Urtica
Species: Dioica

Parts Used: roots, leaves and stems
Nettle is high in iron and vitamins C and K

Nettle is very common all over the world. It is often found in moist shaded woodlands but does grow in the prairie too. Plants grow from 2 to 6 feet tall and is propagated from root runners and seeds. The Nettle plant consists of a long, flexible stem that has serrated leaves opposite of each other. When I was a kid we used to encourage the growth and propagation of stinging nettle on the homestead.

The thin hairs on the Nettle plant contain Formic Acid which causes the Stinging effect. Redness, itching, burning ect can last a few hours to a week. This can be somewhat less than fun.

Prevention / protection from Stinging Nettle reactions is best accomplished by learning to identify it and staying away from it ; ]

If you must OR should you decide that you want to make use of this very helpful plant the best way to handle the Nettle plant is to wear long sleeves and gloves to prevent skin contact with the plant until it has been processed.

How do you process Stinging Nettle for use? The most common uses are for consumption as either a pot herb or tea. The younger the plant the more delectable it will be to eat or to make tea. Younger leaves can be striped off the stem and either boiled or sauteed with salt or pepper to taste or mixed in with vegetables or meats.. basically any way that you would use mustard or turnip greens in cooking. The young leaves can also be minced to make a tea with the pulp consumed with the drink not strained out.

Older leaves can be dried [which inactivates the formic acid] and later crushed before steeping for tea, the pulp can be consumed as with fresh young leaves. The stems can be be used fresh or dried for tea with the fibers strained out before consuming.

Some people apply the fresh leaves directly to an arthritic area as a poultice and report that this temporarily relieves the discomfort of the condition.

Dealing with the skin reactions and stinging:

Some references recommend OTC remedies such as analgesic creams or pills, steroid creams [and RX pills] and antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine creams or pills OR Ranitidine aka Zantac. OR –ominous music– you may need to seek medical treatment*.

[*MOST people are not actually allergic to this plant and will not have an anaphylactic reaction which does need intervention]

It has been my experience that the ‘old wives’ who tell the tales are correct and that Stinging Nettle is best treated FIRMLY and not with a light touch. Meaning if you brush against it, it will sting you. But if you grab it firmly the area will go numb and not bother you.

Other uses for stinging nettle include making it into string, rope or weaving it into a rough fabric or baskets.

Stinging Nettle can also be used as a deterrent to dissuade people from coming into your yard when planted in strategic locations.

What memories of using stinging nettles do you have?

Heat-related related injuries

Heat-related related injuries

Last week a friend sent picture of his thermometer in his vehicle…. 118 degrees in California … same day we had 97 degrees in Wyoming. Yesterday it was 99 just a little north of us. Last week there were reports of a young dad who ‘forgot’ hiw 15 month old twins in the car….. baked. ;[ Never leave young OR old folks [nor your dog] in a vehicle unattended.

‘Extreme’ heat is especially hard on the young, old and infirm of our population. The best way of treating heat injuries is to PREVENT them. This is best accomplished by drinking plain water. How much water do you need to drink a day to prevent and treat heat related injuries? It is NOT the oft stated 8 – 8 oz containers of water which adds up to 64 ounces or 2 quarts a day. You need a lot more water than that on a normal day. Cross ref and

stay in side or at least in the shade during the heat of the day. An example of this custom is known as the Siesta. typically after a light lunch folks would nap or only do light activities. I personally like to take naps after lunch, especially if I can nap in a hammock, I would highly recommend this system even in the North lands.

How to treat heat injuries ==

Drink extra water,, even more than you think you need.

Wet them down with water, if possible have a misting device going in their area to help cool them. Fans help this effect.

If there is air conditioning get the victim into it. That is sometimes easier said than done, especially in a grid down situation. There is a low tech way around this. Hold that thought for a few minutes. In today’s throw away world there are large numbers of 2 L Coke bottles available for re-purposing. The thumbnail picture of this is that the bottles are cut in half reserving the bottom* for other uses. The top will now look like a funnel. When constructed and installed the wind is compressed and cooled as the air moves through. The actual plans with video are located at which is open source. They have a templates for free downloading.

I suspect that the actual mode of action for this device is that it shades the inside of the house while still letting the air move and carry away some of the heat.

Homemade Air Conditioner 2016 EcoCooler-Homemade Air Conditioner hot against not electric-EcoCooler

*The bottom of the coke bottle will make a great planter. Cross ref [[ ]]
In a related story reporting 4 deaths–abc-news-topstories.html

4 Dead in Arizona as Southwest Endures Record-Breaking Heat
EMILY SHAPIRO and BRIAN MCBRIDE,Good Morning America 2 hours 28 minutes ago 

Four people are dead in Arizona amid a dangerous heat wave that’s extending to several Southwest states.
Two hikers died Sunday in Pima County, Arizona, from heat-related illnesses, the Pima County Sheriff’s Office said. A 28-year-old trainer died from heat exhaustion Sunday after mountain biking at the Phoenix Mountain Preserve, according to the Phoenix Fire Department. A man died of heat exposure after hiking the Superstition Mountains on Saturday, the Pinal County Sheriff said.
Temperature records were shattered Sunday in dozens of cities in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California.
Yuma, Arizona, hit 120 degrees; Phoenix hit 118 degrees; Palm Springs, California, reached 118 degrees; and Burbank, California, reached 109 degrees.
Previous records were hit in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 103 degrees, and North Las Vegas, 109 degrees.
Monday is expected to be the hottest day of the week, with temperatures in some areas topping 120 degrees. Utah, Nevada, California and Arizona are facing excessive heat warnings and advisories.
The extreme heat is hindering firefighters who are trying to contain large blazes in New Mexico, Arizona and California.
The record heat has affected plane travel. A United Airlines flight operated by Mesa Airlines departed Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport on Sunday afternoon and was minutes away from landing at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix when the flight crew notified passengers it would be turning back; because of excessive heat’s effects on aircraft equipment, it is against the law for planes to take off or land in temperatures of 120 degrees or higher. [[Interesting! Safety point]]