Election report 2020

Election report 2020



Well, as I type this on Veteran’s Day, the election has NOT been declared one way nor the other. NONE of the states have CERTIFIED the votes. YET.  The media can call it anyway that they want BUT that is NOT the legal determination. The media does not have the legal power to decide.


Remember back in 2000 Bush V Gore? Recounts, hanging chads, court involvement and all that stuff. It does not matter which side of the issue anyone is on for this discussion. Half of the population will be happy and the rest not so much. There is going to be recounts and court challenges for the next month ish…. THEN on December 14th [this time- there is a formula to figure it out during other elections] the electoral college votes and they will pick who will be presented to Congress to vote for on January 6th. This happens EVERY time there is a presidential election, NOT just this time.


THE most important issue to be protected is the perception by the American public that the process can be trusted. Right now many don’t trust the system. Time will tell as to the results of the election and what happens over the next year or so.


Interesting how many places have had riots most nights for the last several months [Portland OR for example] and this last week strangely silent. Kinda like the calm before a big storm. Regardless of how the process outlined above shakes out it would be best to be ready to shelter in place and have what you will need to limit the times you have to go out in public.


The jury is still out ref the Human Malware Program-19 .  Regardless of what the reality is, during the winter or cold months, there are things we should ALL be doing. WASH your hands often, cover your coughs, PROPER use of PPE [personal protective equipment]  AND if you are sick STAY home and away from others. Talk with YOUR healthcare provider about your specific concerns.


Stores are starting to limit how much of each product you can buy AGAIN due to current shortages. HUMMMm    guess we ALL should have been stocking up  RIGHT?


Paper towels, TP for example. So far I have not heard of limits on food YET.  BUT there are shortages of SOME foods already or is it still?  I would make sure that you have shelf stable foods to last for a LONG blizzard, read back over what we have discussed the last several years. Talk with you healthcare provider about what medications you need to have on hand. There are entries which suggest areas for discussion with your healthcare provider. One thing is for sure… prices on everything are going up.


What are your thoughts and concerns during the current times??  Post them in the comments section below.


Cross ref









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