Home invasion part 1b

Doorways deserve special considerations for lights. There should be general switchable lights that do not leave shadows AND motion activated spot lights which only come on when someone is within 6 to 10 feet.

That takes care of the lighting on your outer and inner parameters. Next we will discuss indoor lighting.

Any lights on the inside of the home when you are not actively using the rooms should be keep low and diffuse so that you can see to move around in the room, but dim enough so that someone on the outside with the stronger light will not be able to see clearly into your house. To see for your self how this works have a friend [and you too when it is your turn at their home] dress in dark clothing and have them walk up to your house with the indoor lights on but the outside lights off and then again with your inside light off and your front porch light on. If you can arrange to do the same thing with someone who has motion activated lights, all the better. ;]

On the inside of the house you can set up lights that are both switchable and motion detecting. The entranceway can have spotlights so that when the door opens you can see whoever is coming in better than they can see you. Each entrance to each room ideally will have switches which can turn the lights on AND off. Some people that I know have room lights that are set up on remote controls so that you can turn on a light in another room from where you to distract an intruder. I think that is a great idea.

Ideally your security lights / system should have backup power so that they stay working even in a power outage.

This is just a quick once over on the light topic.


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