Illness part 3

Covid 19      March 9th 2020


113,584 reported cases [lab confirmed] planet wide. Total deaths 3,996 and total RECOVERED 62,496.   not listed are the numbers who were negative on the test nor the total number of people on the planet, which is 7.64 BILLION.


80% will get a mild illness, 15% will get moderately sick and need supportive such as supplemental oxygen therapy and maybe IV fluids…   5% will be very sick and maybe die without hospital care. And perhaps ICU care and ventilators to breath for them.


Perhaps 20% of them may not get sick at all but still infect others


IF there is no lab work done to diagnose the disease they ARE NOT included in the reports. In plain English nobody KNOWS what the actual death rate is nor how many people are sick with this disease!


For frame of reference the normal common everyday FLU does kill around 30,000 people a year in the US alone.


BUT the lame stream news is whipping up the hysteria on the Covid 19.  as more people get tested and turn up positive reports come out that there are a dozen NEW cases of Covid 19!!!  In such and such city!!!   OH MY!    The news does not say how many were tested and turned up negative- do they?  They also do not report how many that have no or very mild symptoms and therefore NEVER get tested / counted. Do they?


The PEOPLE issue is still the biggest thing we have to worry about.


Do any of you recall many years ago Johnny Carson on the late night show [he was before Jay Leno] made a JOKE about a toilet paper shortage? Over the next week a shortage DID show up only because of the panic buying from that JOKE! And now today we are having shortages of toilet paper, alcohol gel and masks because of the media. The shortage is such that many stores are OUT of those items. Even some hospitals are running low.


Folks, toilet paper is something we all should have on hand ahead of time ANYWAY!  There is no need for panic buying.


Saturday we were out to a big box store for routine shopping. Of the hundred or so shopping, ONLY 2 people had masks on that we saw and neither of them seemed sick. One person had the mask on correctly and had glasses. The other person had their nose hanging out so the mask was TOTALLY useless!  So IF I were to report on the shopping trip like the lame stream media 98 out of a hundred were not counted at all. And 50% of the people wearing a mask did not use it properly…..


Some people [who are not symptomatic] say that they are upset because they can not afford to be tested for Covid 19.   WELL why do they WANT to be tested anyway if they are not sick? EVEN IF they test positive what are they going to DO about it anyway? So far there is no real CURE and all that can be done in over 80% of the REPORTED cases is supportive care, ie treat the symptoms and keep the patient feed, watered and clean. Fresh air and sunlight are your friends.


Once again this is something that only time will tell how bad or not it will be. You should already have [or be getting if needed] several months of shelf stable food on hand, water storage AND a way to treat more, and needed medications. CORRECT?


Of course talk with YOUR doctor about your specific healthcare needs.


WASH YOUR HANDS!! Do NOT touch your face or mucus membranes. Eat right and drink more water. KEEP improving on your preps!

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