Tag Archives: Covid 19

No sew mask


Are you hearing the recommendations to wear a mask when you go out, but you have no idea where to get one? If you sew, you can make your own, but what if you don’t sew?

Here is a super easy one that is adjustable to any size and you can use what you have at home already and takes less than 5 minutes.

Start with a piece of fabric (old t-shirt, old shirt, pillowcase, large handkerchief, whatever) and cut it to about 12” by 22”. Don’t worry about the raw edges because you can just fold them to the middle.

Fold it into thirds lengthwise.

Slide a large rubber band on each end – about a quarter of the way in.

Fold over the ends at the rubber band to meet somewhere near the middle. The amount of fold will determine the size of the mask. Play with the fold until you get the right size for your face.

Slip the rubber bands over your ears and you are all set.

You can make several and just throw them in the washing machine after you use them.

If you have a sewing machine, you can sew the raw edges, so it doesn’t unravel in the wash. If you have pinking shears, you can pink the edges. If you can’t do either of those, just fold the edges in.

Just for fun, try funky colors and prints.

OR, if you are feeling playful, take a magic marker and draw a smile or a mustache or a zipper on it.

These don’t replace hand washing, social distancing and all the other recommendations.

Share with your friends and family. Even young children can make these for themselves.

If you make some, post a picture of you wearing it. I’d love to see it.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

You can call my direct line at 414-588-6909 or send me an email to jan@castlesandcruises.com and let me know the best way to assist you.

Best to you,

Janice Czaplewski
Castles and Cruises, LLC

No photo description available.
No photo description available.
Image may contain: one or more people  lol  this IS how she sent it so that the germs fall off her.
 Well, here’s an improvement already from someone. go to the hardware store and buy a HEPA furnace filter. Take it apart and cut out pieces to insert between the layers. You can wash the HEPA filter in a solution of water with 10% bleach and then air dry them for reuse.

Illness part 3

Covid 19      March 9th 2020


113,584 reported cases [lab confirmed] planet wide. Total deaths 3,996 and total RECOVERED 62,496.   not listed are the numbers who were negative on the test nor the total number of people on the planet, which is 7.64 BILLION.


80% will get a mild illness, 15% will get moderately sick and need supportive such as supplemental oxygen therapy and maybe IV fluids…   5% will be very sick and maybe die without hospital care. And perhaps ICU care and ventilators to breath for them.


Perhaps 20% of them may not get sick at all but still infect others


IF there is no lab work done to diagnose the disease they ARE NOT included in the reports. In plain English nobody KNOWS what the actual death rate is nor how many people are sick with this disease!


For frame of reference the normal common everyday FLU does kill around 30,000 people a year in the US alone.


BUT the lame stream news is whipping up the hysteria on the Covid 19.  as more people get tested and turn up positive reports come out that there are a dozen NEW cases of Covid 19!!!  In such and such city!!!   OH MY!    The news does not say how many were tested and turned up negative- do they?  They also do not report how many that have no or very mild symptoms and therefore NEVER get tested / counted. Do they?


The PEOPLE issue is still the biggest thing we have to worry about.


Do any of you recall many years ago Johnny Carson on the late night show [he was before Jay Leno] made a JOKE about a toilet paper shortage? Over the next week a shortage DID show up only because of the panic buying from that JOKE! And now today we are having shortages of toilet paper, alcohol gel and masks because of the media. The shortage is such that many stores are OUT of those items. Even some hospitals are running low.


Folks, toilet paper is something we all should have on hand ahead of time ANYWAY!  There is no need for panic buying.


Saturday we were out to a big box store for routine shopping. Of the hundred or so shopping, ONLY 2 people had masks on that we saw and neither of them seemed sick. One person had the mask on correctly and had glasses. The other person had their nose hanging out so the mask was TOTALLY useless!  So IF I were to report on the shopping trip like the lame stream media 98 out of a hundred were not counted at all. And 50% of the people wearing a mask did not use it properly…..


Some people [who are not symptomatic] say that they are upset because they can not afford to be tested for Covid 19.   WELL why do they WANT to be tested anyway if they are not sick? EVEN IF they test positive what are they going to DO about it anyway? So far there is no real CURE and all that can be done in over 80% of the REPORTED cases is supportive care, ie treat the symptoms and keep the patient feed, watered and clean. Fresh air and sunlight are your friends.


Once again this is something that only time will tell how bad or not it will be. You should already have [or be getting if needed] several months of shelf stable food on hand, water storage AND a way to treat more, and needed medications. CORRECT?


Of course talk with YOUR doctor about your specific healthcare needs.


WASH YOUR HANDS!! Do NOT touch your face or mucus membranes. Eat right and drink more water. KEEP improving on your preps!






Illnesses part 2

Illnesses part 2

Covid 19


Remember WAY back in the late 1900s? along about 1999 the West Nile disease was found on the east coast and then was found in Wyoming?   The virus spread very fast and was here the next year!!!    REALLY?!?!



More realistic is that it had been here [the US and WY] for many YEARS prior to that BUT we were just not testing for it.


When we did start testing for it the cases just exploded in the news.



Typically things are happening many times before we are aware of it and only after it is brought to own attention and we pay heed to it and then it IS all over the place.


Here 20 years later we do still hear about West Nile disease but it is kinda like the common cold in news worthiness. Right?


OK now that we have that out of the way for the time being, we can discuss Covid 19 some more.


ONLY time will tell, BUT there is a good chance that in 20 years we will feel the same about it. [common cold] HOWEVER that is not the case today.


There are the basics to pay attention to. GOOD HAND WASHING and general infection control are the prime way to stay healthy. as we discussed in part 1


I have heard several things this weekend on Covid 19. Some are rational and some are NOT!


This is for discussion ONLY—   Talk with YOUR healthcare provider about your course of action OR inaction!


Any thoughts or data on Colloidal silver

***  Thoughts ONLY as I do not know nor believe that there is any hard data either way-  I would side with that it may be a good treatment when taken per normal protocol…  at least it most likely will NOT hurt…   should always have this available and be able to make more….


or Sambucol?—[an elderberry preparation]

***  First, do no harm…..    ;]     it can not hurt to take it…AND should generally help. I would personally have that on hand AND strongly consider growing Elderberry  just because…..


***  I have heard/read some claiming that Baking Soda taken internally in relatively large doses, several times a day for several days WILL CURE Covid 19–   this could cause way more issues than it may solve AND there is NO current evidence that this is safe AND effective.


Saturday Feb 29th AM I made a normal med run and asked the pharmacy if they had heard anything ref Covid 19….  the 5 staff there agreed that basically what I already wrote was the extent of what they knew FOR NOW…    side note it was a big box pharm that I am on first name basis with all the older staff and they share baby pictures with me… even when I run into them in other stores.     anyway they are TOTALLY out of masks and alcohol gel in the system and it is back ordered…..   also this AM a patient came in with scripts, was coughing openly, did NOT have a mask on and stated that they had tested positive for the flu….  I asked the pharm if they had considered positive pressure filtered air system to keep the bugs out of their shop….. most likely they can not due to cost to the corp…even though it would help the staff stay healthier and on the job.


I watched a show about the 1918 Spanish influenza. Millions died, but they said a bunch of people who didn’t get it starved to death. In many cities everything shut down including grocery type stores. In the city there just wasn’t any food.

THAT is the issue— people —- most disasters [bad as they may be] are not near as bad as the people factor… stay prepped

All that is a sample of our conversations this last week.


So check your supplies and make sure you have what you need NOW. Top up your fuel tanks [should always drive on the top ¼ of your fuel tank anyway]  You may want to consider some extra cash on hand. Ask your job if you can work on line or at least have meetings on line—which will save the company money on travel.  Talk with YOUR DOCTOR about what you need to do health wise.






and some books that explore the topics in more depth
http://www.preparesurvivethrive.us/ready-or-not-things-will-happen/ This is book 1 the quick start guide to preparedness.








W- wash hands thoroughly

U- use a face mask properly

H- hands off your face, mouth, etc.

A- avoid crowds

N- never give up hope


Ref CoVid-19 – time will tell how bad [or not] it will be. The people issues will be worse than the disease itself most likely.


Remember in media that if it bleeds it leads– even when it is fake news…. make up your own mind on stuff


On a practical note- good hand washing, keep your distance especially from sick folks, good food and water, prep to shelter in place IF needed, if you can structure your life such that you don’t HAVE to go out, DO SO. IF you can work from home do so, if you can home school or learn on line- good idea.


***Talk with YOUR healthcare provider for specifics to you and your family.***


W- wash hands thoroughly NOTHING replaces good, effective hand washing. We hear so much about how good the alcohol gel is in disinfection….  WHEN USE PROPERLY which most people don’t and that includes healthcare workers.  Also if your hands are visibly dirty the gel does not work. Ref the antimicrobial soaps…  I am not impressed and most medical folks I know are not either AND it kills off the good bugs you have. Besides that do you really care if the bugs are dead OR is it more important to get them OFF you and down the drain? I vote for off you and down the drain.


U- use a face mask properly BOTH the air you breath IN and the air you breath OUT goes through the mask! IF any of it goes around the mask you have failed. Masks do 2 things, 1. they help protect YOU from others. 2. the mask protects others from you by trapping the bugs. Trapping the bugs helps prevent them from landing on surfaces waiting for the next person to touch and catch them.  For use WITH the mask is EYE protection! Air borne bugs can enter your body through yours as well as the nose and mouth [any mucus membrane]  SOME sources report a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment [PPE] maybe and maybe not could just be hype, IDK about that in your area. Back in the old days we used cloth masks and gowns in surgery which were reusable after processing. At a later date we can discuss field expedient PPEs


H- hands off your face, mouth, etc. one of the things that masks also do is remind you to KEEP your hands OFF your face!!!   Anything you touch will contaminate your hands which in turn goes into your mucus membranes and enter your body.


A- avoid crowds Bugs are passed easier in crowds as people are closer together. A distance of 6-8 feet would be good to stay away from others.  Yes, I know, easier sadi than done especially if you are helping others, OH like your healthcare provider who actually has to talk face to face and often touch you. During any time of heightened concern over infectious diseases you should consider NOT visiting a lot of people NOR having them over.       A actually has a part 2. AIR as in fresh air from outside is needed. Fresh air from outside that has had the SUN shining through it. 1. there are most likely less bugs in outside air than there is with inside air. 2. the UV light from the sun disinfects the air. SUN light is your friend.


N- never give up hope without hope most people give up and get sicker and often die. POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE actually keeps you healthier according to many.



Supportive care is the next thing to discuss after PREVENTION of getting the bugs.


FLUIDS stay WELL hydrated. And clean.






FOOD proper nutrition is vital to support your body in staying and getting well.


Sheltering in place – food and TP ect, stock for at least 3 months at least so that YOU get to decide when or if you go out. Talk with YOUR healthcare provider about what meds you need to have on hand.  For suggestions see http://www.preparesurvivethrive.us/medications-to-stockpile/  PRINT all this out so you can DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER…


There is discussion that COVID 19 is a bio-weapon V just something new. Who knows for sure AND more importantly WHAT DOES IT REALLY MATTER to most of us? We are not going to deal with it any way different regardless. Most of us do not have the resources of governments and millionaires. We can only do what we can. Stay away from the tin foil hat and fear mongers.


For long time readers you will notice that this is what we have been saying for a long time – COVID 19 is not an over riding concern to most of us here.


ONLY YOU can decide when to implement any change in your activities, sheltering in place OR bugging out should you go that way.


end part 1