No sew mask


Are you hearing the recommendations to wear a mask when you go out, but you have no idea where to get one? If you sew, you can make your own, but what if you don’t sew?

Here is a super easy one that is adjustable to any size and you can use what you have at home already and takes less than 5 minutes.

Start with a piece of fabric (old t-shirt, old shirt, pillowcase, large handkerchief, whatever) and cut it to about 12” by 22”. Don’t worry about the raw edges because you can just fold them to the middle.

Fold it into thirds lengthwise.

Slide a large rubber band on each end – about a quarter of the way in.

Fold over the ends at the rubber band to meet somewhere near the middle. The amount of fold will determine the size of the mask. Play with the fold until you get the right size for your face.

Slip the rubber bands over your ears and you are all set.

You can make several and just throw them in the washing machine after you use them.

If you have a sewing machine, you can sew the raw edges, so it doesn’t unravel in the wash. If you have pinking shears, you can pink the edges. If you can’t do either of those, just fold the edges in.

Just for fun, try funky colors and prints.

OR, if you are feeling playful, take a magic marker and draw a smile or a mustache or a zipper on it.

These don’t replace hand washing, social distancing and all the other recommendations.

Share with your friends and family. Even young children can make these for themselves.

If you make some, post a picture of you wearing it. I’d love to see it.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

You can call my direct line at 414-588-6909 or send me an email to and let me know the best way to assist you.

Best to you,

Janice Czaplewski
Castles and Cruises, LLC

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No photo description available.
Image may contain: one or more people  lol  this IS how she sent it so that the germs fall off her.
 Well, here’s an improvement already from someone. go to the hardware store and buy a HEPA furnace filter. Take it apart and cut out pieces to insert between the layers. You can wash the HEPA filter in a solution of water with 10% bleach and then air dry them for reuse.

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