Prepping count down T minus 14 days

Prepping count down T minus 14 days


It is now 2 weeks till the election.


What things do YOU need to get finished so that you can limit your trips away from home and hearth the week or so during and after the election? Have you voted yet? Most of our team has. We went in during the early phase.  At the time I am typing this according to the local news about 40% of this state’s population has already voted – one way or the other.


There is still time to get things via Amazon or one of the big box stores. Consider this to be last minute preps OR early shopping for Christmas presents/sticking stuffers.


Top up on the shelf stable food for the winter/spring until your garden starts producing. Order the seeds you need for spring planting now….


Do you have enough water stored ahead AND a plan to get more IF/when the water stops flowing from the pipes? Consider getting a few more SAWYER water filters while you can. A few gallons of plain unscented bleach is a great thing to stock for both water treatment and cleaning.


Do you have enough TP Or another way to clean up after using the toilet? Bidet anyone?


How are you going to stay warm or cook your food if the power going out?


Do you know those who live near you and which ones you can trust?


How are you going to stay in touch with family if the phones go out?


Have you written down your communication and evacuation plans? We do like the Baofeng UV 5R radios for monitoring public service / weather radio systems.


Are you journaling these times to help you and your grand-kids learn from the times?


Top off your fuel tanks in your vehicles each Thursday and get some cash out of the bank to have on hand.


In short, this will quickly get you started on the road to preparedness and provident living.

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