Tag Archives: Warfarin

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p5

47 Uses for Olive Oil Outside of the Kitchen p5

Face scrub-make a paste of 4 tablespoons salt with 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil, work on face,
leave on a minute or two then rinse off with warm soapy water, apply daily for one week,
then cut back to 2-3 times weekly, the salt cleanses the pores by exfoliation and the Olive
Oil restores skin’s natural moisture

Bath Oil-place a few drops of your favorite essential oil and 3-4 tablespoons of Olive Oil into
your bath water

Lice treatment-helps dissolve the exoskeleton of these little parasites, and smother the ones
that are resistant-pour Olive Oil onto hair liberally, comb out any visible lice with a nit comb
and leave on under a shower cap for up to 8 hours, follow by coating the hair in apple cider
vinegar, leave overnight, shampoo as usual and then comb out any remaining eggs

Homemade soap-search the internet for this, there are many different kinds of soap made with
Olive Oil

Lip balm-mix Olive Oil and melted beeswax in a 1:1 ratio with essential oil for fragrance

Stretch marks-reduce the appearance of stretch marks by combining equal parts of Cocoa
Butter and Olive Oil for a stretch mark minimizer will not remove entirely

Prevent prematurely gray hair-Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains pigments, using it in your hair will
gradually darken it

Prevent hair loss and damage-use Olive Oil to manage your hair instead of using harsh
chemicals, you can minimize damage to your hair

Minimize cellulite-mix used coffee grounds with Olive Oil for a topical cellulite treatment, apply
directly to skin, will not eliminate entirely

Reduce nitric acid to normal levels-Nitric acid has been proven to increase blood pressure, Olive
Oil reduces nitric acid levels, take 1 tablespoon internally daily

Help fight off degenerative disease-the antioxidants in Olive Oil give it the power to help lessen
the impact of degenerative diseases in your body, take 1 tablespoon internally daily

Make a natural vitamin supplement-2 tablespoons taken internally daily can replace daily Vit E
supplement while providing all the other benefits of Olive Oil

If you are taking a blood thinner such as Warfarin you should be very consistent in your consumption of
olive oil as it is also high in Vitamin K. Obviously you should consult your healthcare provider.

Singers swear by this throat soother-swallow a tablespoon of Olive Oil and you will not have to
clear your throat nearly as often during a performance, soothes itchy throats, lubricate back
of mouth and tonsil area and may lessen snoring

We would like to hear what you use Olive oil for……